Mirilin zeigt in einer PN viele schöne Möglichkeiten:
$<$matt$>$ Can anyone help me solve a two body problem? \\
$<$dsk$>$ Id sink them in the ocean or feed them to pigs \\
$<$dsk$>$ but if you do the pigs make sure to remove hair and teeth first\\
$<$matt$>$ Umm i meant in physics...\\
$<$matt$>$ Can anyone help me solve a two body problem? \\
$<$dsk$>$ Id sink them in the ocean or feed them to pigs \\
$<$dsk$>$ but if you do the pigs make sure to remove hair and teeth first\\
$<$matt$>$ Umm i meant in physics...\\}
<matt> Can anyone help me solve a two body problem?
<dsk> Id sink them in the ocean or feed them to pigs
<dsk> but if you do the pigs make sure to remove hair and teeth first
<matt> Umm i meant in physics...
<matt> Can anyone help me solve a two body problem?
<dsk> Id sink them in the ocean or feed them to pigs
<dsk> but if you do the pigs make sure to remove hair and teeth first
<matt> Umm i meant in physics...
Danke! (auch an Luckie natürlich

Lukas Erlacher
Suche Grafiktablett. Spenden/Gebrauchtangebote willkommen.
Gotteskrieger gesucht!
For it is the chief characteristic of the religion of science that it works. - Isaac Asimov, Foundation I, Buch 1