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Realtime Input? Thread?

Ein Thema von sk.Silvia · begonnen am 13. Mai 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Mai 2006
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Registriert seit: 2. Jan 2006
Ort: Wüstenrot
235 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Realtime Input? Thread?

  Alt 13. Mai 2006, 23:09
Yes you can. go to File - New - (in german version "Weitere") the rest is shown in the screenshot of course you can use the red marked.

you can add buttons, fields ... .
But you have to write every funktion by own hand.
like this:
procedure TMainForm.pmAddClick(Sender: TObject);
// Job hinzufügen
  // here you can set standart values if you need
  if not (TEditChange.ModalResult = mrCancel) then // maybe use mrOK and leave "not"
      // do sometheng whith the Input Data
      // reset the edit fields, if you don`t do the old is shown at next show
      TEditChange.eSourcePath.Text := '';
      TEditChange.eDestinationPath.Text := '';
      TEditChange.eApplicationPath.Text := '';
edit: In D7 it`s in File - New - (in german version "Weitere") in the register "Dialogs"
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