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how to split string?

Ein Thema von alpha1 · begonnen am 6. Mai 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 9. Mai 2006
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Registriert seit: 19. Nov 2005
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how to split string?

  Alt 6. Mai 2006, 17:13
Here is my question: I have this string line:" Google search= " or this:" Yahoo page= " (symbols "=" and "http" are in everywhere line). I need to split string line to get this: One string - "Google search" and other string - "".
Please help me
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Re: how to split string?

  Alt 6. Mai 2006, 17:16
Hey there, how about that?

ItemName := Copy(ItemString, 1, Pos('=', ItemString)-1);
ItemURL := Copy(ItemString, Pos('=', ItemString)+1, Length(ItemString));
Should work

edit: oh darn, forgot the ':'s
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Re: how to split string?

  Alt 6. Mai 2006, 17:23
Another possibility is the usage of the Values[] and Names[] properties of a TString descendant (e.g. TStringList).
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Registriert seit: 19. Nov 2005
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Re: how to split string?

  Alt 6. Mai 2006, 17:53
Thank`s! It works great!
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Registriert seit: 19. Nov 2005
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Re: how to split string?

  Alt 9. Mai 2006, 17:08
Hello again!
I have one new question: I have ini file with section "favorites", wherein are many lines like this one: "Google search=". I need to add this section to the ListBox1, but there must be only names ("Google search") and on click this name webbrowser must to navigate "" (program must to remember name`s url).
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Re: how to split string?

  Alt 9. Mai 2006, 17:14

Zitat von alpha1:
I have one new question [..]
Please create a new thread for each question. The reason is that it's easier to find a solution for a ploblem with the search function when only one question is asked in one thread. Thank you.
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Re: how to split string?

  Alt 9. Mai 2006, 17:24
Hello alpha1,

mind your wording. This seems to be more of a zoom-in question. Make sure you use TMemIniFile instead of TIniFile. Read the Names from your link section using the method ReadSection(). Once an item is clicked you can fetch the hyperlink on-demand by using ReadString().

Regards, marabu
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