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Re: Variable an Unit von Komponente übergeben?

  Alt 5. Okt 2007, 17:42
Ok ist ziemlich lang:

{ Method UnSplit creates the original file from the split files. Name and
  extension of the original file must be set in FileName property }

procedure TFileSplitter.UnSplit;
  i: Integer;
  Continue: Boolean;
  sFileName: TFileName;
  BytesRead, TotalRead: LongInt;

  if FileExists(FSplitFileName) then
    { Make sure the filename is correct }
    if FFileName = 'then
      FFileName := ChangeFileExt(FSplitFileName, '.XXX');

    { Delete the resulting file if it exists }
    if FileExists(FFileName) then

    { Prepare for writing to file }
    FFile := TFileStream.Create(FFileName, fmCreate);
    GetMem(FBuffer, FBufferSize);

      i := 0;
      sFileName := FSplitFileName;

      { Read files one by one and write to resulting file }
      Continue := True;
      Signature.NumberOfFiles := 0;
      while Continue do
        if Assigned(FOnNeedDisk) then
          FOnNeedDisk(Self, i + 1, Signature.NumberOfFiles, Continue);

        if Continue then
          if FileExists(sFileName) then
              FSplitFile := TFileStream.Create(sFileName, fmOpenRead);

              { Read the signature from the first split file }
              if i = 0 then
                FSplitFile.Read(Signature, SizeOf(Signature));

              TotalRead := 0;
              while FSplitFile.Size <> FSplitFile.Position do
                BytesRead := FSplitFile.Read(FBuffer^, FBufferSize);
                FFile.Write(FBuffer^, BytesRead);
                TotalRead := TotalRead + BytesRead;

                { Call OnProgress event }
                if Assigned(FOnProgress) then
                  FOnProgress(Self, (TotalRead * 100)
                  div FSplitFile.Size);
            sFileName := ChangeFileExt(sFileName, '.' +
             StrZero(i, 3));
            Continue := False;
    raise EFileError.Create('Input file '''
    + FSplitFileName + ''' does not exist.');
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