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GLScene VectorType.dcu fehler

  Alt 30. Sep 2007, 17:16
Ich habe mir das aktuelle GLScene heruntergeladen und installiert es werden auch alle GLScene Componenten angezeigt und ich kann sie nutzen wenn ich jedoch eine Form mit GLSceneComponenten darauf compelieren will kommt immer diese Fehlermeldung

[DCC Fehler] VectorTypes.pas(87): F2039 Ausgabedatei 'c:\program files\codegear\rad studio\5.0\lib\VectorTypes.dcu' kann nicht erstellt werden obwohl die .dcu schon im Delphi Ordner liegt.

Hier die .pas
// This unit is part of the GLScene Project, [url]http://glscene.org[/url]
{: VectorTypes

  Defines base vector types for use in Geometry.pas and OpenGL1x.pas.

  The sole aim of this unit is to limit dependency between the Geometry
  and OpenGL1x units by introducing the base compatibility types
  (and only the *base* types).

  Conventions:<ul>[*][b]d[/b] is used for Double precision floating points values (64 bits)[*][b]f[/b] is used for Single precision floating points values (32 bits)[*][b]i[/b] is used for 32 bits signed integers (longint)[*][b]s[/b] is uses for 16 bits signed integers (smallint)[/list]
  Note : D3D types untested.

   [b]History : [/b]<font size=-1><ul>[*]19/12/04 - PhP - Added byte vectors[*]28/06/04 - LR - Removed ..\ from the GLScene.inc[*]24/08/03 - PhP - Added smallint vectors[*]04/07/01 - EG - Creation[/list]}

unit VectorTypes;


{$i GLScene.inc}

  TVector2d = array[0..1] of double;
  TVector2f = array[0..1] of single;
  TVector2i = array[0..1] of longint;
  TVector2s = array[0..1] of smallint;
  TVector2b = array[0..1] of byte;

  TVector3d = array[0..2] of double;
  TVector3f = array[0..2] of single;
  TVector3i = array[0..2] of longint;
  TVector3s = array[0..2] of smallint;
  TVector3b = array[0..2] of byte;

  TVector4d = array[0..3] of double;
  TVector4f = array[0..3] of single;
  TVector4i = array[0..3] of longint;
  TVector4s = array[0..3] of smallint;
  TVector4b = array[0..3] of byte;

  TMatrix3d = array[0..2] of TVector3d;
  TMatrix3f = array[0..2] of TVector3f;
  TMatrix3i = array[0..2] of TVector3i;
  TMatrix3s = array[0..2] of TVector3s;
  TMatrix3b = array[0..2] of TVector3b;

  TMatrix4d = array[0..3] of TVector4d;
  TMatrix4f = array[0..3] of TVector4f;
  TMatrix4i = array[0..3] of TVector4i;
  TMatrix4s = array[0..3] of TVector4s;
  TMatrix4b = array[0..3] of TVector4b;

  TD3DVector = packed record
    case Integer of
      0 : (X: single;
           Y: single;
           Z: single);
      1 : (V: TVector3f);

  TD3DMatrix = packed record
    case Integer of
      0 : (_11, _12, _13, _14: single;
           _21, _22, _23, _24: single;
           _31, _32, _33, _34: single;
           _41, _42, _43, _44: single);
      1 : (M : TMatrix4f);


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