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Play midi file directly from resource

Ein Thema von alpha1 · begonnen am 21. Apr 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 21. Apr 2006
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Registriert seit: 19. Nov 2005
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Play midi file directly from resource

  Alt 21. Apr 2006, 15:47
How to play midi file directly from my resource?
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Benutzerbild von igel457

Registriert seit: 31. Aug 2005
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FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: Play midi file directly from resource

  Alt 21. Apr 2006, 18:33
I think that you have to write a midiplayer, which can play midi-streams. That is not too difficult. There was an example in the OH of Delphi 3...

EDIT: Sorry, this was wrong... It is difficult. But probably there is another way to solve your problem.
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Benutzerbild von DGL-luke

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Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: Play midi file directly from resource

  Alt 21. Apr 2006, 20:42
there should be interfaces to hand your midi data over to the sound card. maybe even via the Windows API.
You might want to search the MS Developer Network library: MSDN-Library durchsuchenMIDI playback

EDIT: the very first result seems to provide what you want:

You can pick the interesting "midi..." functions from the TOC on the left of the page
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