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Thats Insane - wrong memory setting by recursion???

Ein Thema von sk.Silvia · begonnen am 20. Apr 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Apr 2006
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Benutzerbild von JasonDX

Registriert seit: 5. Aug 2004
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1.062 Beiträge

Re: Thats Insane - wrong memory setting by recursion???

  Alt 20. Apr 2006, 22:43
Zitat von sk.Silvia:
ok but ist the same also when i put

function TBinTree.FindMin(init:boolean):integer;
      if init then result:=self.Value;
      //ShowMessage('val '+ValToStr+' res'+inttostr(result));
      if value<result then

      if not(left=nil) then result:=left.FindMin(false);
      if not(right=nil) then result:=right.FindMin(false);
value is always inicializes and result now too, but why the result changes besides on ShowMessage (again it gives the right value when i dont hide the showmessage dialog)
Yea, because at the first call result will be initialized. But every recursive call after that does not initialize the result variable. You call the method with false as init-parameter, which tells not to initialize the variable. So once again: result is undefined

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Re: Thats Insane - wrong memory setting by recursion???

  Alt 20. Apr 2006, 22:53
Hi Silvia,

you might want to try out this:


function TBinTree.FindMin: Integer;
  minLeft, minRight: Integer;
  if Assigned(left)
    then minLeft := left.FindMin
    else minLeft := value;
  if Assigned(right)
    then minRight := right.FindMin
    else minRight := value;
  Result := MinIntValue(value, minLeft, minRight);
Kind regards

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