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Loading DLL file from TResourceSream

Ein Thema von alpha1 · begonnen am 18. Apr 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 18. Apr 2006
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Registriert seit: 19. Nov 2005
40 Beiträge

Loading DLL file from TResourceSream

  Alt 18. Apr 2006, 14:02
Hello! I need here some help
I have added dll file to my program`s resource and I have this function:
function Test(prog: HWND): Boolean; stdcall; external 'mydll.dllname 'DoSomethink'; so I need load dll file to this function from TResourceSream (without extractint from exe file).
I could be like this:
function Test(prog: HWND): Boolean; stdcall; external 'mydll_from_TResourceSream.dllname 'DoSomethink'; How can I do this?
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Registriert seit: 6. Apr 2005
10.109 Beiträge

Re: Loading DLL file from TResourceSream

  Alt 18. Apr 2006, 14:20
G'Day alpha1,

there is no syntax to support this, I'm afraid. But there sure is a way to start code right out of memory without storing it on some disk before. You might want to take a look at some demo code crafted by Nico and ready for download on Luckie's home page: klick

Wish you success

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