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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 10. Sep 2007, 19:31
So, zu Hause...

po angliski
  201 "Could not detect nVidia graphics card driver. Maybe you have not a nVidia graphics card or the graphic drivers are outdated. \r\n\rThe program will terminate.\0"
  202 "Potentionally your graphic card have not a temperature sensor.\0"
  203 "The library ""%s"" does not support a necessary function call, the program will terminate.\0"
  204 "Error occured while writing or reding settings - all options reseted default values.\0"
  205 "Application started the first time or after an update. Please notice that data will be written to the directory ""%s"".\0"
  209 "Save settings on quit"
Ok, die \n und \r musst du wieder einfügen. Ansonsten vllt. noch ein besserer Vorschlag zu dem 202?
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