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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Zugriffsproblem bei Dateien (Lesezugriff)

  Alt 7. Sep 2007, 11:41

ich denke das die Stringlist das Öffnen von Dateien exclusive macht und man daran auch nichts ändern kann
(ich wüßte zumindest nicht wie).
Alternativ kannst Du TFileStream verwenden, dort kannst Du die Modi übergeben wie die Datei geöffnet werden soll.

Oder versuche einmal die Variable FileMode entsprechend zu setzen.
Die Variable ist in der system.pas global definiert.
FileMode := fmOpenRead;
Zitat von DelphiHilfe:

file management routines


fmOpenRead = $0000;
fmOpenWrite = $0001;
fmOpenReadWrite = $0002;

fmShareCompat = $0000;
fmShareExclusive = $0010;
fmShareDenyWrite = $0020;
fmShareDenyRead = $0030;
fmShareDenyNone = $0040;


The file open mode constants are used when a file or stream is opened to control how it can be shared.

The TFileStream constructor has a Mode parameter that you can set to one of these constants:
Constant Definition

fmCreate If the file exists, open for write access, otherwise, create a new file. Unlike the other constants, which are declared in the SysUtils unit, this constant is declared in classes.pas.
fmOpenRead Open for read access only.
fmOpenWrite Open for write access only.
fmOpenReadWrite Open for read and write access.
fmShareCompat Compatible with the way FCBs are opened.
fmShareExclusive Read and write access is denied.
fmShareDenyWrite Write access is denied.

fmShareDenyRead Read access is denied.
fmShareDenyNone Allows full access for others.
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