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Benutzerbild von scrat1979

Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2007
Ort: Sulzbach a.d. Murr
1.029 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: RAD Studio 2007 kommt diesen Monat

  Alt 5. Sep 2007, 21:42
Auf folgender Seite von CodeGear habe ich bei früheren Recherchen diesen Text gefunden. Dieser müsste diese Frage klären

Upgrading from Turbo Pro

Okay -- we've gotten some rather interesting an intense feedback, and we revisted the “upgrade from Turbo Pro” issue.

So, if you are a Turbo Professional owner, you can upgrade from that version to the Pro version of Delphi 2007 and Pro version of the other Studio products that may be released in the future.

We'll also be revisiting this whole “product line” thing, and clarifying it. I apologize if I've caused confusion on it -- I certainly don't want to have done that.

Liebe Grüße,
Michael Kübler
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