Thema: Delphi array [0..0] ?

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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: array [0..0] ?

  Alt 31. Aug 2007, 20:32
This happens more in Win32 API, usually the array is defined like this:
SomeArray: array [0..ANYSIZE_ARRAY - 1] of SomeType;
a small snippet from my LsaLogonUser sample (here on DP) shows how to use it:

var pGroups: PTOKEN_GROUPS;

  // The number of TOKEN_GROUPS we're going to insert
  MaxGroups := 2;

  // Reserve memory for MaxGroups numbur of PTOKEN_GROUPS
  pGroups := PTOKEN_GROUPS(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) * MaxGroups));
  pGroups^.GroupCount := MaxGroups;

  // Get and open Token from CurrentProcess
  if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, hToken)) then

    // Get the Logon Sid and it to the LocalGroups parameter of LsaLogonUser
    // The Logon Sid has the form S-1-5-5-XXXXXXXX-YYYYYYYY
    // We need it to obtain access to the user's desktop
    GetLogonSid(hToken, pGroups^.Groups[0].Sid);
    pGroups^.Groups[0].Attributes := SE_GROUP_MANDATORY or
                                     SE_GROUP_ENABLED or
                                     SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT or
    // Cleanup

  // Now get the Administrator's SID
  dwSizeSid := 0;
  dwSizeDomain := 0;
  bRes := LookupAccountName(nil, 'Administrator', nil, dwSizeSid, nil, dwSizeDomain, SidType);

  if (not bRes) and (GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then
    // Reserve memory
    AdminSid := AllocMem(dwSizeSid);
    SetLength(Domain, dwSizeDomain);

    // Lookup Sid from Accountname
    // Assuming that the Admin account has not been renamed!
    bRes := LookUpAccountName(nil, 'Administrator', AdminSid, dwSizeSid, PChar(Domain), dwSizeDomain, SidType);
    if not bRes then
      // Cleanup
      AdminSid := nil;
  else begin

    ShowMessageFmt('Administrator Sid: %s, Domain: %s', [SidToStr(AdminSid), Domain]);

  // Add the Administrator's sid to pGroups
  pGroups^.Groups[MaxGroups -1].Sid := AdminSid;
  pGroups^.Groups[MaxGroups -1].Attributes := SE_GROUP_MANDATORY or
                                              SE_GROUP_ENABLED or
Hope this helps...
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