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Re: JCL und JVCL suchen Nachwuch

  Alt 29. Aug 2007, 03:01
Hallo Andreas, dann haben wir in dir wohl einen offiziellen Ansprechpartner gefunden?

Vor einer Woche schrieb ich:

sorry in advance for the rant.

There seem to be half a dozen of portal sites, some of them appear to have been updated even during the last 2 years, yet the old API conversions from Marcel van Brakel (and some others) which have resulted in the jedi-apilib.sf.net project are still there instead of a simple link to the project which provides (at least occasional) updates.

Also the updating appears to be very slow, if not nonexistent and no response if you send an email to the "director" alias. All in all this raises the suspicion that the project is dead.

I'd certainly be willing to invest time, although Delphi is by far not my primary point of interest anymore, but I don't see where to do it most efficiently.

What's the current steering team? Who's on it? How to contact them? Which of the sites is the current one, which one is official anyway?


Vor wenigen Tagen fragte ich an verschiedenen Stellen nach Kontakten zu den JEDI Math Leuten - dringend, wegen einer Nachricht, die persönlich ist und mir angetragen wurde.

In beiden Fällen - wie üblich, möchte man bei JEDI fast sagen - keine Reaktion.
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