Moin Moin,
vll. bin ich heute morgen noch nicht ganz wach, aber irgenwie bekomme ich es nicht gebacken C++ Header Files nach Delphi zu übersetzten......
Anbei der Ausschnitt aus dem Header File.
Es wäre total super, wenn mir da jemand helfen könnte
Besten Dank
#ifndef _biometricdll_h
#define _biometricdll_h
#define DLLIMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)
// @GetSerialNumbers
// Function : Lists all biometric devices plugged in the station.
// Reads all the serial numbers.
// Inputs : pdwSerialNumberLength points to the buffer pbySerialNumbers total length.
// Outputs : pbySerialNumbers points to the serial numbers
// pdwNbDevices points to the number of detected devices.
// Returns : RCDone if the reading of all device serial numbers succeeded.
// RCFailed if the operation failed.
// RCNoDevice if there is no device.
// RCOpenFailed if there is a problem while opening the device.
// RCAllocationFailed if a dynamic allocation failed (lack of memory resource).
// Info : Each serial number is a DWORD.
// pbySerialNumbers can be seen as a array of DWORD (DWORD[]).
// If you cast ( (DWORD*) ) pbySerialNumbers, you will obtain the same serial
// number as the one printed on the lower part of device (Sn : xxxxxxxx).
DLLIMPORT DWORD GetSerialNumbers(BYTE * const pbySerialNumbers,
DWORD * const pdwSerialNumberLength,
DWORD * const pdwNbDevices);