Thema: Delphi Gigabyte dll functions

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Re: Gigabyte dll functions

  Alt 24. Aug 2007, 00:00
Zitat von Razor:
Well i wouldnt know even where to start,all i found is this but what does this mean?Does it contain any parameters,well i doubt so.

public LX_IsQDIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard proc near
or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh ; LX_IsMSIMainBoard
LX_IsQDIMainBoard endp
No parameters. It just returns 0xFFFFFFFF, which is another way of saying -1 (32bit) or setting all bits in a LongBool to 1.

Zitat von Razor:
Can someone translate this?To delphi..
The important part is

typedef int (*isgigabytemobo)(void);
which says that:

type TFNisgigabytemobo = function(): Integer; cdecl; (where cdecl is not important, because no params are being passed)
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