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Re: [Tool] GPU - Temperaturanzeige (fur nVidia Grafikkarten.

  Alt 22. Aug 2007, 16:10


BOOL CDECL NvCplGetThermalSettings (IN UINT nWindowsMonitorNumber, OUT DWORD* pdwCoreTemp, OUT DWORD* pdwAmbientTemp, OUT DWORD* pdwUpperLimit);

Parameters In

UINT nWindowsMonitorNumber -- The display number shown on the Windows Display Properties->Settings page.
A value of 0 indicates the current primary Windows display device.

DWORD* must be a valid pointer --

pdwCoreTemp -- GPU temperature in degrees Celsius.
pdwAmbientTemp -- Ambient temperature in degrees Celsius.
pdwUpperLimit -- Upper limit of the GPU temperature specification.

Return Values

True on success.
False on failure.
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