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Benutzerbild von Remko

Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: LSALogonUser und Authentifikation (nichts komplexes!)

  Alt 12. Aug 2007, 13:42
Zitat von Dezipaitor:
Do I understand correctly? Your code will run not as a service but as a normal process that can be used by a logged on user?
That's right, but the user who starts my code needs SeTcbPrivilege

Zitat von Dezipaitor:
1. I logged on the current logged on user - but I needed to add the new logged on user SID to the windows station+desktop DACL to run a graphic process.
Not needed, add the users LogonSid to the PTOKEN_GROUPS parameter

Zitat von Dezipaitor:
2. the CreateEnv... parameter must be set to the users envir. - otherwise the env. was set to the local system env. which lead to terrible result - I killed the explorer on purpose and started it again in the command line I created by that service. The result was that this user could no more start explorer with winlogon. It always used the local system. I restarted windows and logged on - but only the command line was started. All I could do was to use an partition image I created.
Thus I test such a program in a VM.
I think this has got to do with acl on the user desktop and not the environment. Remember that ACL's that you set on the desktop do not survive a reboot

If you simply want to start a process from a service and run this on the user's desktop (or even a specific terminal sessions desktop) I use this:
procedure TService1.ServiceStart(Sender: TService; var Started: Boolean);
var hToken: THandle;
  ZeroMemory(@si, SizeOf(si));
  si.cb := SizeOf(si);
  si.lpDesktop := nil;
  if WTSQueryUserToken(3, hToken) then
    if CreateProcessAsUser(hToken, nil, 'cmd.exe', nil, nil, False,
      nil, si, pi) then
      // Do some stuff
This sample start a process in Terminal Session 3 but you can use WTSGetActiveConsoleSession for obtaining the logged on users session ID.
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