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and do you know that this type deklaration is correct?
LX_IsGigaMainBoard = function(pIsGigaMainBoard: Pointer): boolean stdcall;
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Yes i think it is correct do we have someone here that has a Gigabyte board to test this?
well to me it seems to be much easier if you just explain where you've got the signature from. Is there some
SDK/Specification published by Gigabyte?
And if so, I don't think that they will use the Pointer to an Delphi-Boolean as an argument of the function, neither they will use this Type for the return-parameter. Because of Portability the might have used something like an C-Bool (an Integervalue, if 0 = false, true otherwise). But why should this method return the result by an argument and as a result of the function?
Regards Der Unwissende