Zitat von
*push* nobody cant help?

Hey boy, as said before: no pushing in the space of one day. Here are not 20 people only watching if you have new posts to
handle them or creating answers!
I am on work, I can not look at it, so take down and wait...
/EDIT: Ok, I looked at it. Dude, you can not programm or understand it. Do you think it is ok to declare some variables and then check their value? Who fills this variables?
infotbl[] is the PCI configuration space and is multi-used for each found device. You are not searching for devices, you are not calling any function just print out what the variables contains. It is like this:
program time;
MyTime: TTime;
This program does not print the actual time. Why not?
You just needle/bug us with your questions, pushing it - only willing to get complete code. No knownledge, no will to learn, no will to get to know what you are doing here.