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Re: Does It Fit? Ein nützliches Brenntool

  Alt 10. Aug 2007, 12:51
Ich habe eine DIRSIZE-Funktion gefunden, die identische Werte wie der Explorer anzeigt:

var TotalSize: Int64; //global
function AddThouSeps (const S: string): string;
    LS, L2, I : Integer;
    Temp : string;
    result := S ;
    LS := Length (S);
    if LS <= 3 then exit ;
    L2 := (LS - 1) div 3;
    Temp := '';
    for I := 1 to L2 do
            Temp := ThousandSeparator + Copy (S, LS - 3 * I + 1, 3) + Temp;
    Result := Copy (S, 1, (LS - 1) mod 3 + 1) + Temp;

function DirSize(Path: string; ScanLabel, SizeLabel: TLabel): Int64;

{ func to return the total number of bytes found in a directory. }
{ You can pass 2 TLabels for a progress while scanning:
  ScanLabel: will display the current path being scanned
  SizeLabel: will display the total size so far counted.
  If you don't want to use either Labels, pass nil to both. You
  can still use returned value to read the total size. Example:
  (For Delphi 4/5)
  TotalSize := 0;
  Label1.Caption := IntToStr(DirSize('C:\Windows', nil, nil)) + ' bytes';
  (For Delphi 3)
  TotalSize := 0;
  Label1.Caption := FloatToStr(DirSize('C:\Windows', nil, nil)) + ' bytes';
  (It is a little faster this way.)
  Note: you MUST initialize the global TotalSize variable to 0 before
  using this function. }

  Res: Integer;
  SR: TSearchRec;
  Result := TotalSize;
  if Copy(Path, Length(Path), 1) <> '\then
    Path := Path + '\';
  if not DirectoryExists(Path) then
      MessageDlg('Directory does not exist: ' + Path, mtError, [mbOK], 0);
  if ScanLabel <> nil then
      ScanLabel.Caption := 'Scanning ' + Path;
  Res := FindFirst(Path + '*.*', faAnyFile, SR);
    while Res = 0 do
        if (SR.Name [1] <> '.') and (SR.Name [1] <> '..') then
            if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then
              DirSize(Path + SR.Name + '\', ScanLabel, SizeLabel)
              TotalSize := TotalSize + SR.Size;
        Res := FindNext(SR);
        if SizeLabel <> nil then
            {$IFDEF Delphi3Below}
            SizeLabel.Caption := 'Total size: ' + FloatToStr(TotalSize) + ' bytes';
            SizeLabel.Caption := 'Total size: ' + IntToStr(TotalSize) + ' bytes';
  Result := TotalSize;

//Aufruf - Beispiel:
//TotalSize:=0; Label1.Caption := FloatToStr(DirSize('C:\Windows', nil, nil)) + ' Bytes';

//oder formatiert:
//Label1.Caption := AddThouSeps(FloatToStr(DirSize('C:\Windows', scanlabel1, sizelabel1))) + ' Bytes';
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