Thema: Delphi Antialiasing

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Benutzerbild von Sanchez

Registriert seit: 24. Apr 2003
Ort: Neumarkt Stmk
892 Beiträge
Delphi XE6 Enterprise


  Alt 15. Sep 2003, 21:01
Den Algo, hab ich zwar hier schon wo reingeschrieben, aber ich denke hier passt er jetzt, wo ich keine Frage mehr dazuhabe am besten hin:

  PixArray = Array [0..2] of Byte;

procedure Antialiasing(Bitmap: TBitmap; Rect: TRect; Percent: Integer);
  pix, prevscan, nextscan, hpix: ^PixArray;
  l, p: Integer;
  R, G, B: Integer;
  R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2: Byte;
  Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit;
  with Bitmap.Canvas do
    Brush.Style := bsclear;
    for l := Rect.Top to Rect.Bottom - 1 do
      pix:= Bitmap.ScanLine[l];
      if l <> Rect.Top then prevscan := Bitmap.ScanLine[l-1]
      else prevscan := nil;
      if l <> Rect.Bottom - 1 then nextscan := Bitmap.ScanLine[l+1]
      else nextscan := nil;

      for p := Rect.Left to Rect.Right - 1 do
        R1 := pix^[2];
        G1 := pix^[1];
        B1 := pix^[0];

        if p <> Rect.Left then
          //Pixel links
          //Pixel left

          hpix := pix;
          R2 := hpix^[2];
          G2 := hpix^[1];
          B2 := hpix^[0];

          if (R1 <> R2) or (G1 <> G2) or (B1 <> B2) then
            R := R1 + (R2 - R1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            G := G1 + (G2 - G1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            B := B1 + (B2 - B1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            hpix^[2] := R;
            hpix^[1] := G;
            hpix^[0] := B;

        if p <> Rect.Right - 1 then
          //Pixel rechts
          //Pixel right
          hpix := pix;
          R2 := hpix^[2];
          G2 := hpix^[1];
          B2 := hpix^[0];

          if (R1 <> R2) or (G1 <> G2) or (B1 <> B2) then
            R := R1 + (R2 - R1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            G := G1 + (G2 - G1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            B := B1 + (B2 - B1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            hpix^[2] := R;
            hpix^[1] := G;
            hpix^[0] := B;

        if prevscan <> nil then
          //Pixel oben
          //Pixel up
          R2 := prevscan^[2];
          G2 := prevscan^[1];
          B2 := prevscan^[0];

          if (R1 <> R2) or (G1 <> G2) or (B1 <> B2) then
            R := R1 + (R2 - R1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            G := G1 + (G2 - G1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            B := B1 + (B2 - B1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            prevscan^[2] := R;
            prevscan^[1] := G;
            prevscan^[0] := B;

        if nextscan <> nil then
          //Pixel unten
          //Pixel down
          R2 := nextscan^[2];
          G2 := nextscan^[1];
          B2 := nextscan^[0];

          if (R1 <> R2) or (G1 <> G2) or (B1 <> B2) then
            R := R1 + (R2 - R1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            G := G1 + (G2 - G1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            B := B1 + (B2 - B1) * 50 div (Percent + 50);
            nextscan^[2] := R;
            nextscan^[1] := G;
            nextscan^[0] := B;
Ein Aufruf könnte so erfolgen:
Antialiasing(Bitmap, Rect(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height), 50); [edit=Matze]Code formatiert. Mfg, Matze[/edit]
[edit=Matze]Beispielaufruf hinzugefügt. Mfg, Matze[/edit]
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