Antwort |
Registriert seit: 26. Mär 2005 174 Beiträge |
kann mir jemand mal einen tipp geben wie ich das hinbekommen könnte? mit winamp hab ich es ja aus dem application titel nehmen können, weil der name da immer drin steht! aber beim aktuellen WMP (Bei mir die 9 ) klappt das nicht, weil die nicht im fenstertitel angezeigt wird. hätte jemand ne idee wie ich das dennoch schaffe? |
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Registriert seit: 26. Mär 2005 174 Beiträge |
also ich hab jetzt mittlerweile mal den classname rausgefunden (WMPlayerApp) und bissl rumgesucht, aber nur ansätze gefunden wie ich den player steuern kann, aber das ist ja nicht das was ich will.
ich möchte ja den titel auslesen, das muss doch irgendwie möglich sein! hat denn keiner ne idee für mich? |
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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005 Ort: München 5.775 Beiträge Delphi 10.4 Sydney |
Hallo Richi,
hast Du schonmal hier geschaut -> http://www.experts-exchange.com/Prog..._21347965.html Grüße Klaus
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Registriert seit: 26. Mär 2005 174 Beiträge |
joa, das hab ich schon gefunden, aber nuja.
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Registriert seit: 17. Jun 2005 19 Beiträge Delphi 7 Enterprise |
Habe genau das selbe Problem!
Ich möchte ebenfalls den aktuell gespielten Song aus einer bereits laufenden WMP Instanz auslesen... Habe bisher mal folgendes zusammengeschnippselt als machbarkeitsstudie, gibt zwar keine Fehler aber die laufende Instanz macht keinen mucks Kann jemand damit was anfangen und zum laufen bringen? (Der code versucht erstmal die play-funktion zu aktivieren)
Grüsse Martin
unit Main;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComObj, ActiveX, WMPLib_TLB; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) init2: TButton; procedure init2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation var WMP : IWMPPlayer4Disp; RES : IWMPPlayer4; const IID_IClassFactory: TGUID = ( D1:$00000001;D2:$0000;D3:$0000;D4:($C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$46)); {$R *.dfm} procedure TfrmMain.init2Click(Sender: TObject); var hr : HRESULT; mpclassid : TGUID; //CLSID cf : IClassFactory; iid : TIID; begin hr := CLSIDFromProgID('WMPlayer.OCX.7', mpclassid); if Failed(hr) then begin showmessage('Failed getting classid for Windows Media Player'); Exit; end; hr := CoGetClassObject(mpclassid, CLSCTX_ALL, nil, IID_IClassFactory, cf); if Failed(hr) then begin showmessage('Fehler'); Exit; end; hr := cf.CreateInstance(nil, IID_IWMPControls, CTL); if Failed(hr) then begin showmessage('Failed Instantiate Controls'); Exit; end; hr := CoCreateInstance(mpclassid, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWMPPlayer4, res); if Failed(hr) then begin showmessage('Failed instantiating Windows Media Player control!'); Exit; end; WMP := RES as IWMPPlayer4Disp; CTL.play; //nichts tut sich //Das würde funktionieren: (mit laufender Instanz) //WMP.openPlayer('C:\Test.mp3'); end; initialization CoInitialize(nil); end. |
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n/a Beiträge |
Du beötigst dafür eine Stream-Reader Classe oder ähnlich.
Ich hätte dafür etwas 'WMA,MP3' mit den benötigten GUIDS und das auslesen der Tags allerdings in Vb! Wenn du in der lage bist das zu übersetzen kann ich es hier als schnipsel einfügen. grüße |
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2006 81 Beiträge Delphi 2006 Professional |
Jo poste mal bitte, das wäre interessant
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n/a Beiträge |
Zitat von KingIR:
Jo poste mal bitte, das wäre interessant
Implements ISoundStream
Option Explicit
Implements ISoundStream Implements ISoundInfo Private Const Extensions As String = "wma;mp3" Private Const Description As String = "Windows Media Audio" Private Enum HRESULT S_OK = 0 End Enum Private Enum WMT_VERSION WMT_VER_4_0 = &H40000 WMT_VER_7_0 = &H70000 WMT_VER_8_0 = &H80000 WMT_VER_9_0 = &H90000 End Enum Private Enum WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE WMT_TYPE_DWORD = 0 WMT_TYPE_STRING = 1 WMT_TYPE_BINARY = 2 WMT_TYPE_BOOL = 3 WMT_TYPE_QWORD = 4 WMT_TYPE_WORD = 5 WMT_TYPE_GUID = 6 End Enum Private Enum WMT_ERRORS NS_E_NO_MORE_SAMPLES = &HC00D0BCF End Enum Private Enum WMT_RIGHTS WMT_RIGHT_PLAYBACK = &H1 WMT_RIGHT_COPY_TO_NON_SDMI_DEVICE = &H2 WMT_RIGHT_COPY_TO_CD = &H8 WMT_RIGHT_COPY_TO_SDMI_DEVICE = &H10 WMT_RIGHT_ONE_TIME = &H20 WMT_RIGHT_SAVE_STREAM_PROTECTED = &H40 WMT_RIGHT_COPY = &H80 WMT_RIGHT_COLLABORATIVE_PLAY = &H100 WMT_RIGHT_SDMI_TRIGGER = &H10000 WMT_RIGHT_SDMI_NOMORECOPIES = &H20000 End Enum Private Type MMWAVEFORMATEX wFormatTag As Integer nChannels As Integer nSamplesPerSec As Long nAvgBytesPerSec As Long nBlockAlign As Integer wBitsPerSample As Integer cbSize As Integer End Type Private Type QWORD lo As Long hi As Long End Type Private Type GUID Data1 As Long Data2 As Integer Data3 As Integer Data4(7) As Byte End Type Private Type IUnknown QueryInterface As Long AddRef As Long Release As Long End Type Private Type IWMWriter IUnk As IUnknown SetProfileByID As Long SetProfile As Long SetOutputFilename As Long GetInputCount As Long GetInputProps As Long SetInputProps As Long GetInputFormatCount As Long GetInputFormat As Long BeginWriting As Long EndWriting As Long AllocateSample As Long WriteSample As Long Flush As Long End Type Private Type INSSBuffer IUnk As IUnknown GetLength As Long SetLength As Long GetMaxLength As Long GetBuffer As Long GetBufferAndLength As Long End Type Private Type IWMHeaderInfo IUnk As IUnknown GetAttributeCount As Long GetAttributeByIndex As Long GetAttributeByName As Long SetAttribute As Long GetMarkerCount As Long GetMarker As Long AddMarker As Long RemoveMarker As Long GetScriptCount As Long GetScript As Long AddScript As Long RemoveScript As Long End Type Private Type IWMHeaderInfo2 ' : IWMHeaderInfo IUnk As IUnknown GetAttributeCount As Long GetAttributeByIndex As Long GetAttributeByName As Long SetAttribute As Long GetMarkerCount As Long GetMarker As Long AddMarker As Long RemoveMarker As Long GetScriptCount As Long GetScript As Long AddScript As Long RemoveScript As Long GetCodecInfoCount As Long GetCodecInfo As Long End Type Private Type IWMHeaderInfo3 ' : IWMHeaderInfo2 IUnk As IUnknown GetAttributeCount As Long GetAttributeByIndex As Long GetAttributeByName As Long SetAttribute As Long GetMarkerCount As Long GetMarker As Long AddMarker As Long RemoveMarker As Long GetScriptCount As Long GetScript As Long AddScript As Long RemoveScript As Long GetCodecInfoCount As Long GetCodecInfo As Long GetAttributeCountEx As Long GetAttributeIndices As Long GetAttributeByIndexEx As Long ModifyAttribute As Long AddAttribute As Long DeleteAttribute As Long AddCodecInfo As Long End Type Private Type IWMMediaProps IUnk As IUnknown GetType As Long GetMediaType As Long SetMediaType As Long End Type Private Type IWMInputMediaProps ' : IWMMediaProps IUnk As IUnknown GetType As Long GetMediaType As Long SetMediaType As Long GetConnectionName As Long GetGroupName As Long End Type Private Type IWMProfileManager IUnk As IUnknown CreateEmtpyProfile As Long LoadProfileByID As Long LoadProfileByData As Long SaveProfile As Long GetSystemProfileCount As Long LoadSystemProfile As Long End Type Private Type IWMProfile IUnk As IUnknown GetVersion As Long GetName As Long SetName As Long GetDescription As Long SetDescription As Long GetStreamCount As Long GetStream As Long GetStreamByNumber As Long RemoveStream As Long RemoveStreamByNumber As Long AddStream As Long ReconfigStream As Long CreateNewStream As Long GetMutualExclusionCount As Long AddMutualExclusion As Long CreateNewMutualExclusion As Long End Type Private Type IWMProfile2 ' : IWMProfile IUnk As IUnknown GetVersion As Long GetName As Long SetName As Long GetDescription As Long SetDescription As Long GetStreamCount As Long GetStream As Long GetStreamByNumber As Long RemoveStream As Long RemoveStreamByNumber As Long AddStream As Long ReconfigStream As Long CreateNewStream As Long GetMutualExclusionCount As Long AddMutualExclusion As Long CreateNewMutualExclusion As Long GetProfileID As Long End Type Private Type IWMProfile3 IUnk As IUnknown GetVersion As Long GetName As Long SetName As Long GetDescription As Long SetDescription As Long GetStreamCount As Long GetStream As Long GetStreamByNumber As Long RemoveStream As Long RemoveStreamByNumber As Long AddStream As Long ReconfigStream As Long CreateNewStream As Long GetMutualExclusionCount As Long AddMutualExclusion As Long CreateNewMutualExclusion As Long GetProfileID As Long GetStorageFormat As Long SetStorageFormat As Long GetBandwidthSharingCount As Long GetBandwidthSharing As Long RemoveBandwidthSharing As Long AddBandwidthSharing As Long CreateNewBandwidthSharing As Long GetStreamPrioritization As Long SetStreamPrioritization As Long RemoveStreamPrioritization As Long CreateNewStreamPrioritization As Long GetExpectedPacketCount As Long End Type Private Type IWMCodecInfo IUnk As IUnknown GetCodecInfoCount As Long GetCodecFormatCount As Long GetCodecFormat As Long End Type Private Type IWMCodecInfo2 IUnk As IUnknown GetCodecInfoCount As Long GetCodecFormatCount As Long GetCodecFormat As Long GetCodecName As Long GetCodecFormatDesc As Long End Type Private Type IWMStreamConfig IUnk As IUnknown GetStreamType As Long GetStreamNumber As Long SetStreamNumber As Long GetStreamName As Long SetStreamName As Long GetConnectionName As Long SetConnectionName As Long GetBitrate As Long SetBitrate As Long GetBufferWindow As Long SetBufferWindow As Long End Type Private Type IWMOutputMediaProps IUnk As IUnknown GetType As Long GetMediaType As Long SetMediaType As Long GetStreamGroupName As Long GetConnectionName As Long End Type Private Type IWMSyncReader IUnk As IUnknown Open As Long Close As Long SetRange As Long SetRangeByFrame As Long GetNextSample As Long SetStreamsSelected As Long GetStreamSelected As Long SetReadStreamSamples As Long GetReadStreamSamples As Long GetOutputSetting As Long SetOutputSetting As Long GetOutputCount As Long GetOutputProps As Long SetOutputProps As Long GetOutputFormatCount As Long GetOutputFormat As Long GetOutputNumberForStream As Long GetStreamNumberForOutput As Long GetMaxOutputSampleSize As Long GetMaxStreamSampleSize As Long OpenStream As Long End Type Private Type WM_MEDIA_TYPE majortype As GUID subtype As GUID bFixedSizeSamples As Long bTemporalCompression As Long lSampleSize As Long formattype As GUID pUnk As Long cbFormat As Long pbFormat As Long End Type Private Const WMMEDIATYPE_Audio As String _ = "{73647561-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}" Private Const WMMEDIASUBTYPE_PCM As String _ = "{00000001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}" Private Const WMFORMAT_WaveFormatEx As String _ = "{05589f81-c356-11ce-bf01-00aa0055595a}" Private Const IID_IWMHeaderInfo As String _ = "{96406BDA-2B2B-11d3-B36B-00C04F6108FF}" Private Const IID_IWMHeaderInfo2 As String _ = "{15CF9781-454E-482e-B393-85FAE487A810}" Private Const IID_IWMHeaderInfo3 As String _ = "{15CC68E3-27CC-4ecd-B222-3F5D02D80BD5}" Private Const IID_IWMProfileManager As String _ = "{d16679f2-6ca0-472d-8d31-2f5d55aee155}" Private Const IID_IWMProfileManager2 As String _ = "{7A924E51-73C1-494d-8019-23D37ED9B89A}" Private Const IID_IWMCodecInfo As String _ = "{A970F41E-34DE-4a98-B3BA-E4B3CA7528F0}" Private Const IID_IWMCodecInfo2 As String _ = "{AA65E273-B686-4056-91EC-DD768D4DF710}" Private Const IID_IWMMediaProps As String _ = "{96406BCE-2B2B-11d3-B36B-00C04F6108FF}" Private Const WMMEDIASUBTYPE_DRM As String _ = "{00000009-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}" Private Const IID_IUnknown As String _ = "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" Private Const IID_IWMOutputMediaProps As String _ = "{96406BD7-2B2B-11d3-B36B-00C04F6108FF}" Private Const IID_IWMSyncReader As String _ = "{9397F121-7705-4dc9-B049-98B698188414}" Private Const IID_INSSBuffer As String _ = "{E1CD3524-03D7-11d2-9EED-006097D2D7CF}" Private Const attr_WMDuration As String = "Duration" Private Const attr_WMBitrate As String = "Bitrate" Private Const attr_WMSeekable As String = "Seekable" Private Const attr_WMStridable As String = "Stridable" Private Const attr_WMBroadcast As String = "Broadcast" Private Const attr_WMProtected As String = "Is_Protected" Private Const attr_WMTrusted As String = "Is_Trusted" Private Const attr_WMSigName As String = "Signature_Name" Private Const attr_WMHasAudio As String = "HasAudio" Private Const attr_WMHasImage As String = "HasImage" Private Const attr_WMHasScript As String = "HasScript" Private Const attr_WMHasVideo As String = "HasVideo" Private Const attr_WMCurBitrate As String = "CurrentBitrate" Private Const attr_WMOptBitrate As String = "OptimalBitrate" Private Const attr_WMSkipBackw As String = "Can_Skip_Backward" Private Const attr_WMSkipForw As String = "Can_Skip_Forward" Private Const attr_WMNumFrames As String = "NumberOfFrames" Private Const attr_WMFileSize As String = "FileSize" Private Const attr_WMTitle As String = "Title" Private Const attr_WMAuthor As String = "Author" Private Const attr_WMDescript As String = "Description" Private Const attr_WMRating As String = "Rating" Private Const attr_WMCopyright As String = "Copyright" Private Const attr_WMAlbumTitle As String = "WM/AlbumTitle" Private Const attr_WMAlbumArtist As String = "WM/AlbumArtist" Private Const attr_WMTrack As String = "WM/Track" Private Const attr_WMGenre As String = "WM/Genre" Private Const attr_WMYear As String = "WM/Year" Private Const attr_WMGenreID As String = "WM/GenreID" Private Const attr_WMMCDI As String = "WM/MCDI" Private Const attr_WMComposer As String = "WM/Composer" Private Const attr_WMLyrics As String = "WM/Lyrics" Private Const attr_WMTrackNumber As String = "WM/TrackNumber" Private Const attr_WMIsVBR As String = "IsVBR" ' Synchronous WMF Reader Private IReader As IWMSyncReader Private oReader As Long Private pReaderVTbl As Long ' Media Properties Private IProps As IWMOutputMediaProps Private oProps As Long Private pPropsVTbl As Long ' Media Header Private IHeader As IWMHeaderInfo3 Private oHeader As Long Private pHeaderVTbl As Long ' waveOut WAVEFORMATEX Private wfxout As MMWAVEFORMATEX ' WMA Attribute Private curDuration As Currency Private curBitrate As Currency Private curPosition As Currency Private blnSeekable As Boolean Private blnEOS As Boolean ' PCM Buffer Private btBuffer() As Byte Private lngBufferData As Long Private lngPosInBuffer As Long ' WM Core DLL Private clsWMCore As clsDLL Private blnFileOpened As Boolean Private clsTags As StreamTags '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Function FillBuffer( _ ) As Boolean Dim lngRet As Long Dim ISample As INSSBuffer Dim oSample As Long Dim pSampleVTbl As Long Dim curSampleDur As Currency Dim pdwFlags As Long Dim pdwOutputNum As Long Dim ppdwBuffer As Long Dim pdwLength As Long If oReader = 0 Then Exit Function ' get some PCM samples lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.GetNextSample, _ oReader, _ 0, _ VarPtr(oSample), _ VarPtr(curPosition), _ VarPtr(curSampleDur), _ VarPtr(pdwFlags), _ VarPtr(pdwOutputNum), _ 0) If lngRet <> 0 Then blnEOS = lngRet = NS_E_NO_MORE_SAMPLES Exit Function End If ' INSSBuffer's VTable CpyMem pSampleVTbl, ByVal oSample, 4 CpyMem ISample, ByVal pSampleVTbl, Len(ISample) ' get a pointer to the decoded samples and their length lngRet = CallPointer(ISample.GetBufferAndLength, _ oSample, _ VarPtr(ppdwBuffer), _ VarPtr(pdwLength)) If lngRet <> 0 Then lngRet = CallPointer(ISample.IUnk.Release, oSample) Exit Function End If ReDim btBuffer(pdwLength - 1) As Byte CpyMem btBuffer(0), ByVal ppdwBuffer, pdwLength ' Set INSSBuffer = Nothing lngRet = CallPointer(ISample.IUnk.Release, oSample) lngPosInBuffer = 0 lngBufferData = pdwLength FillBuffer = True End Function Private Function GUID2Str( _ G As GUID _ ) As String Dim nTemp As String nTemp = "{" nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data1), 8) & "-" nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data2), 4) & "-" nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data3), 4) & "-" nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(0)), 2) nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(1)), 2) & "-" nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(2)), 2) nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(3)), 2) nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(4)), 2) nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(5)), 2) nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(6)), 2) nTemp = nTemp & FmtStrLen(Hex$(G.Data4(7)), 2) & "}" GUID2Str = nTemp End Function Private Function GUIDEqual( _ g1 As GUID, _ g2 As GUID _ ) As Boolean GUIDEqual = GUID2Str(g1) = GUID2Str(g2) End Function Private Function Str2GUID( _ strGUID As String _ ) As GUID Dim G As GUID Dim strParts() As String strParts = Split(Mid$(strGUID, 2, Len(strGUID) - 2), "-") G.Data1 = Val("&H" & strParts(0)) G.Data2 = Val("&H" & strParts(1)) G.Data3 = Val("&H" & strParts(2)) G.Data4(0) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(3), 1, 2)) G.Data4(1) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(3), 3, 2)) G.Data4(2) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(4), 1, 2)) G.Data4(3) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(4), 3, 2)) G.Data4(4) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(4), 5, 2)) G.Data4(5) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(4), 7, 2)) G.Data4(6) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(4), 9, 2)) G.Data4(7) = Val("&H" & Mid$(strParts(4), 11, 2)) Str2GUID = G End Function Private Sub CpyAttribute( _ pDst As Long, _ pSrc As Long, _ dt As WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE _ ) Dim nSize As Long Select Case dt Case WMT_TYPE_BOOL: nSize = 2 Case WMT_TYPE_DWORD: nSize = 4 Case WMT_TYPE_GUID: nSize = 16 Case WMT_TYPE_QWORD: nSize = 8 Case WMT_TYPE_WORD: nSize = 2 End Select CpyMem ByVal pDst, ByVal pSrc, nSize End Sub Private Function CallPointer( _ ByVal fnc As Long, _ ParamArray Params() _ ) As Long Dim btASM(&HEC00& - 1) As Byte Dim pASM As Long Dim i As Integer If fnc = 0 Then Exit Function pASM = VarPtr(btASM(0)) AddByte pASM, &H58 ' POP EAX AddByte pASM, &H59 ' POP ECX AddByte pASM, &H59 ' POP ECX AddByte pASM, &H59 ' POP ECX AddByte pASM, &H59 ' POP ECX AddByte pASM, &H50 ' PUSH EAX If UBound(Params) = 0 Then If IsArray(Params(0)) Then For i = UBound(Params(0)) To 0 Step -1 AddPush pASM, CLng(Params(0)(i)) ' PUSH dword Next Else For i = UBound(Params) To 0 Step -1 AddPush pASM, CLng(Params(i)) ' PUSH dword Next End If Else For i = UBound(Params) To 0 Step -1 AddPush pASM, CLng(Params(i)) ' PUSH dword Next End If AddCall pASM, fnc ' CALL rel addr AddByte pASM, &HC3 ' RET CallPointer = CallWindowProc(VarPtr(btASM(0)), _ 0, 0, 0, 0) End Function Private Sub AddPush( _ pASM As Long, _ lng As Long _ ) AddByte pASM, &H68 AddLong pASM, lng End Sub Private Sub AddCall( _ pASM As Long, _ addr As Long _ ) AddByte pASM, &HE8 AddLong pASM, addr - pASM - 4 End Sub Private Sub AddLong( _ pASM As Long, _ lng As Long _ ) CpyMem ByVal pASM, lng, 4 pASM = pASM + 4 End Sub Private Sub AddByte( _ pASM As Long, _ Bt As Byte _ ) CpyMem ByVal pASM, Bt, 1 pASM = pASM + 1 End Sub Private Sub Class_Initialize() Dim lngRet As Long Set clsWMCore = New clsDLL Set clsTags = New StreamTags If Not clsWMCore.LoadDLL("wmvcore.dll") Then Exit Sub End If ' create IWMSyncReader instance lngRet = clsWMCore.CallFunc("WMCreateSyncReader", _ 0, _ WMT_RIGHT_PLAYBACK, _ VarPtr(oReader)) If lngRet <> 0 Then oReader = 0 Exit Sub End If ' IWMSyncReader`s VTable CpyMem pReaderVTbl, ByVal oReader, 4 CpyMem IReader, ByVal pReaderVTbl, Len(IReader) End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Dim lngRet As Long ISoundStream_StreamClose ' Set IWMSyncReader = Nothing If oReader <> 0 Then CallPointer IReader.IUnk.Release, oReader End If clsWMCore.UnloadDLL End Sub '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Property Get ISoundInfo_BitsPerSample( _ ) As Integer ISoundInfo_BitsPerSample = wfxout.wBitsPerSample End Property Private Property Get ISoundInfo_BitsPerSecond( _ ) As Long ISoundInfo_BitsPerSecond = curBitrate * 10000 End Property Private Property Get ISoundInfo_channels( _ ) As Integer ISoundInfo_channels = wfxout.nChannels End Property Private Property Get ISoundInfo_Duration( _ ) As Long ISoundInfo_Duration = curDuration End Property Private Property Get ISoundInfo_Position( _ ) As Long ISoundInfo_Position = curPosition End Property Private Property Get ISoundInfo_SamplesPerSecond( _ ) As Long ISoundInfo_SamplesPerSecond = wfxout.nSamplesPerSec End Property Private Property Get ISoundInfo_Tags( _ ) As StreamTags Set ISoundInfo_Tags = clsTags End Property '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Property Get ISoundStream_Description( _ ) As String ISoundStream_Description = Description End Property Private Property Get ISoundStream_EndOfStream( _ ) As Boolean ISoundStream_EndOfStream = blnEOS End Property Private Function ISoundStream_Extensions( _ ) As String() ISoundStream_Extensions = Split(Extensions, ";") End Function Private Function ISoundStream_QuickStreamInfo( _ ByVal Source As String, info As ISoundInfo _ ) As SND_RESULT ' WMA stream is too slow to gather information ' while playing songs Dim clsInfo As QuickStreamInfo Set clsInfo = New QuickStreamInfo Set info = clsInfo clsInfo.SetValues 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, New StreamTags ISoundStream_QuickStreamInfo = SND_ERR_SUCCESS End Function Private Function ISoundStream_StreamClose( _ ) As SND_RESULT Dim lngRet As Long If oReader = 0 Then ISoundStream_StreamClose = SND_ERR_INTERNAL Exit Function End If If Not blnFileOpened Then ISoundStream_StreamClose = SND_ERR_INVALID_SOURCE Exit Function End If lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.Close, oReader) blnFileOpened = False blnEOS = False lngBufferData = 0 lngPosInBuffer = 0 clsTags.ClearTags ISoundStream_StreamClose = SND_ERR_SUCCESS End Function Private Property Get ISoundStream_StreamInfo( _ ) As ISoundInfo Set ISoundStream_StreamInfo = Me End Property Private Function ISoundStream_StreamOpen( _ ByVal Source As String _ ) As SND_RESULT Dim lngRet As Long If oReader = 0 Then ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_INTERNAL Exit Function End If If Not IsValidFile(Source) Then ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_INVALID_SOURCE Exit Function End If ' open the file lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.Open, _ oReader, _ StrPtr(Source)) If lngRet <> 0 Then ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_INVALID_SOURCE Exit Function End If If Not GetOutputFormat() Then CallPointer IReader.Close, oReader ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_UNKNOWN Exit Function End If ' range to decode (0 to EOF) lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.SetRangeByFrame, _ oReader, _ 1, 0, 0, _ 0, 0) If lngRet <> 0 Then lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.Close, oReader) ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_UNKNOWN Exit Function End If If Not GetAttributes Then lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.Close, oReader) ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_UNKNOWN Exit Function End If blnFileOpened = True ISoundStream_StreamOpen = SND_ERR_SUCCESS End Function Private Function GetAttributes( _ ) As Boolean Dim lngRet As Long Dim cAttrs As Long Dim attIndex As Long Dim cchName As Long Dim cbValue As Long Dim pwszName As String Dim strValue As String Dim pbValue() As Byte Dim attType As WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE Dim iid_hdr As GUID clsTags.ClearTags ' get IWMHeaderInfo3 from IWMSyncReader iid_hdr = Str2GUID(IID_IWMHeaderInfo3) lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.IUnk.QueryInterface, _ oReader, _ VarPtr(iid_hdr), _ VarPtr(oHeader)) ' IWMHeaderInfo3`s VTable CpyMem pHeaderVTbl, ByVal oHeader, 4 CpyMem IHeader, ByVal pHeaderVTbl, Len(IHeader) ' number of attributes lngRet = CallPointer(IHeader.GetAttributeCountEx, _ oHeader, _ &HFFFF&, _ VarPtr(cAttrs)) If lngRet <> 0 Then lngRet = CallPointer(IHeader.IUnk.Release, oHeader) oHeader = 0 Exit Function End If For attIndex = 0 To cAttrs - 1 ' size of the attribute lngRet = CallPointer(IHeader.GetAttributeByIndexEx, _ oHeader, _ &HFFFF&, _ attIndex, _ 0, _ VarPtr(cchName), _ 0, 0, 0, _ VarPtr(cbValue)) If lngRet <> 0 Then GoTo NextAttribute ' get some memory for the attribute pwszName = Space(cchName) ReDim pbValue(cbValue - 1) As Byte ' read the attribute lngRet = CallPointer(IHeader.GetAttributeByIndexEx, _ oHeader, _ &HFFFF&, _ attIndex, _ StrPtr(pwszName), _ VarPtr(cchName), _ VarPtr(attType), _ 0, _ VarPtr(pbValue(0)), _ VarPtr(cbValue)) If lngRet <> 0 Then GoTo NextAttribute pwszName = RemNullChars(pwszName) Select Case attType Case WMT_TYPE_WORD ' integer Dim intVal As Integer CpyMem intVal, pbValue(0), 2 strValue = intVal Case WMT_TYPE_DWORD ' long Dim lngVal As Long CpyMem lngVal, pbValue(0), 4 strValue = lngVal Case WMT_TYPE_QWORD ' currency? Dim curVal As Currency CpyMem curVal, pbValue(0), 8 strValue = curVal Case WMT_TYPE_STRING ' Unicode String strValue = RemNullChars(pbValue) Case WMT_TYPE_BINARY ' binary... ' nicht lesbar... ' Debug.Print "<binary>" Case WMT_TYPE_BOOL ' boolean CpyMem lngVal, pbValue(0), cbValue strValue = CBool(lngVal) Case WMT_TYPE_GUID ' global unique identifier Dim G As GUID CpyMem G, pbValue(0), Len(G) strValue = GUID2Str(G) End Select ' Attributes we want to save Select Case pwszName Case attr_WMDuration CpyAttribute VarPtr(curDuration), _ VarPtr(pbValue(0)), _ attType Case attr_WMBitrate CpyAttribute VarPtr(curBitrate), _ VarPtr(pbValue(0)), _ attType Case attr_WMSeekable CpyAttribute VarPtr(blnSeekable), _ VarPtr(pbValue(0)), _ attType Case attr_WMAuthor clsTags.AddTag "artist", strValue Case attr_WMAlbumArtist clsTags.AddTag "artist", strValue Case attr_WMAlbumTitle clsTags.AddTag "album", strValue Case attr_WMGenre clsTags.AddTag "genre", strValue Case attr_WMTitle clsTags.AddTag "title", strValue ' Tracknumber seems to get saved as DWORD ' pretty often, even though it is an ' string attribute. Case attr_WMTrackNumber CpyMem lngVal, pbValue(0), 4 If lngVal > 48 Then clsTags.AddTag "tracknumber", strValue Else clsTags.AddTag "tracknumber", Chr$(lngVal) End If Case attr_WMDescript clsTags.AddTag "comment", strValue Case attr_WMYear clsTags.AddTag "year", strValue End Select NextAttribute: Next ' IWMHeaderInfo3 zerstören lngRet = CallPointer(IHeader.IUnk.Release, oHeader) oHeader = 0 GetAttributes = True End Function Private Function GetOutputFormat( _ ) As Boolean Dim lngRet As Long Dim pcOutputs As Long Dim pcFormats As Long Dim pcbType As Long Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim MediaType As WM_MEDIA_TYPE Dim btMT() As Byte ' number of outputs lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.GetOutputCount, _ oReader, _ VarPtr(pcOutputs)) If lngRet <> 0 Then lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.Close, oReader) Exit Function End If ' formats of each output For i = 0 To pcOutputs - 1 lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.GetOutputFormatCount, _ oReader, _ i, _ VarPtr(pcFormats)) If lngRet <> 0 Then GoTo NextOutput ' details for each format For j = 0 To pcFormats ' create IWMOutputMediaProps instance lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.GetOutputFormat, _ oReader, _ j, i, _ VarPtr(oProps)) If lngRet <> 0 Then GoTo NextFormat ' IWMOutputMediaProps`s VTable CpyMem pPropsVTbl, ByVal oProps, 4 CpyMem IProps, ByVal pPropsVTbl, Len(IProps) ' it is not allowed to simply request ' a WM_MEDIA_TYPE struct. ' You first need to ask for the size of ' WM_MEDIA_TYPE to make sure your buffer ' is big enough to hold it. lngRet = CallPointer(IProps.GetMediaType, _ oProps, _ 0, _ VarPtr(pcbType)) If lngRet <> 0 Then lngRet = CallPointer(IProps.IUnk.Release, oProps) oProps = 0 GoTo NextFormat Else ReDim btMT(pcbType - 1) As Byte End If lngRet = CallPointer(IProps.GetMediaType, _ oProps, _ VarPtr(btMT(0)), _ VarPtr(pcbType)) CpyMem MediaType, btMT(0), Len(MediaType) ' Audio? If GUIDEqual(MediaType.majortype, Str2GUID(WMMEDIATYPE_Audio)) Then ' PCM? If GUIDEqual(MediaType.subtype, Str2GUID(WMMEDIASUBTYPE_PCM)) Then ' 16 Bit? CpyMem wfxout, ByVal MediaType.pbFormat, Len(wfxout) If wfxout.wBitsPerSample = 16 Then lngRet = CallPointer(IProps.SetMediaType, oProps, VarPtr(btMT(0))) GoTo ExitLoops End If End If End If ' Set IWMOutputMediaProps = Nothing lngRet = CallPointer(IProps.IUnk.Release, oProps) oProps = 0 NextFormat: ' Not beautiful, Next j NextOutput: ' but makes nested loops Next i ExitLoops: ' very easy to control. ' no format found? If i = pcOutputs Then Exit Function End If ' set new output format lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.SetOutputProps, oReader, i, oProps) lngRet = CallPointer(IProps.IUnk.Release, oProps) oProps = 0 GetOutputFormat = True End Function Private Function ISoundStream_StreamRead( _ ByVal buffer_ptr As Long, _ ByVal buffer_len As Long, _ buffer_read As Long _ ) As SND_RESULT ISoundStream_StreamRead = SND_ERR_SUCCESS buffer_read = 0 Do While buffer_read < buffer_len If lngBufferData = 0 Then If Not FillBuffer Then ISoundStream_StreamRead = SND_ERR_END_OF_STREAM Exit Function End If ElseIf (lngBufferData - lngPosInBuffer) < (buffer_len - buffer_read) Then If 0 < (lngBufferData - lngPosInBuffer) Then If 0 = IsBadReadPtr(ByVal VarPtr(btBuffer(0)) + lngPosInBuffer, _ lngBufferData - lngPosInBuffer) Then If 0 = IsBadWritePtr(ByVal buffer_ptr + buffer_read, _ lngBufferData - lngPosInBuffer) Then CpyMem ByVal buffer_ptr + buffer_read, _ ByVal VarPtr(btBuffer(0)) + lngPosInBuffer, _ lngBufferData - lngPosInBuffer End If End If buffer_read = buffer_read + (lngBufferData - lngPosInBuffer) End If If Not FillBuffer Then ISoundStream_StreamRead = SND_ERR_END_OF_STREAM Exit Function End If Else If 0 = IsBadReadPtr(ByVal VarPtr(btBuffer(0)) + lngPosInBuffer, _ buffer_len - buffer_read) Then If 0 = IsBadWritePtr(ByVal buffer_ptr + buffer_read, _ buffer_len - buffer_read) Then CpyMem ByVal buffer_ptr + buffer_read, _ ByVal VarPtr(btBuffer(0)) + lngPosInBuffer, _ buffer_len - buffer_read End If End If lngPosInBuffer = lngPosInBuffer + (buffer_len - buffer_read) buffer_read = buffer_read + (buffer_len - buffer_read) End If Loop End Function Private Function ISoundStream_StreamSeek( _ ByVal Value As Long, _ ByVal seek_mode As SND_SEEK_MODE _ ) As SND_RESULT Dim curTime As QWORD, curTime0 As QWORD Dim dblTime As Double, strHex As String Dim lngRet As Long Select Case seek_mode Case SND_SEEK_PERCENT If Value < 0 Or Value > 99 Then ISoundStream_StreamSeek = SND_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE Exit Function End If ' Position in 100-Nanoseconds dblTime = Fix(curDuration / CDbl(100) * CDbl(Value) * 10000#) Case SND_SEEK_SECONDS If Value < 0 Or Value > (ISoundInfo_Duration / 1000) Then ISoundStream_StreamSeek = SND_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE Exit Function End If ' Position in 100-Nanoseconds dblTime = Fix(curDuration / CDbl(100) * CDbl(Value / (ISoundInfo_Duration / 1000) * 100) * 10000#) End Select ' Base 10 to Base 16 strHex = FmtStrLen(DecToHex(dblTime), 16) ' lo DWORD curTime.lo = Val("&H" & Right$(strHex, 8) & "&") ' hi DWORD curTime.hi = Val("&H" & Left$(strHex, 8) & "&") ' set new position lngRet = CallPointer(IReader.SetRange, oReader, _ curTime.lo, curTime.hi, _ curTime0.lo, curTime0.hi) If lngRet = 0 Then FillBuffer ISoundStream_StreamSeek = SND_ERR_SUCCESS Else ISoundStream_StreamSeek = SND_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE End If End Function
Implements ISoundInfo
Option Explicit
Public Enum SND_RESULT SND_ERR_SUCCESS = 0 SND_ERR_INVALID_SOURCE SND_ERR_INVALID_OUTPUT SND_ERR_INTERNAL SND_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE SND_ERR_END_OF_STREAM SND_ERR_INVALID_TAG SND_ERR_INVALID_PARAM SND_ERR_TOO_BIG SND_ERR_NEED_MORE SND_ERR_INVALID_BUFFER SND_ERR_WRITE_ERROR SND_ERR_UNKNOWN End Enum Public Enum SND_SEEK_MODE SND_SEEK_PERCENT = 0 SND_SEEK_SECONDS End Enum Public Property Get StreamInfo( _ ) As ISoundInfo End Property Public Property Get EndOfStream( _ ) As Boolean End Property Public Property Get Description( _ ) As String End Property Public Function Extensions( _ ) As String() End Function Public Function QuickStreamInfo( _ ByVal Source As String, _ info As ISoundInfo _ ) As SND_RESULT End Function Public Function StreamOpen( _ ByVal Source As String _ ) As SND_RESULT End Function Public Function StreamClose( _ ) As SND_RESULT End Function Public Function StreamSeek( _ ByVal value As Long, _ ByVal seek_mode As SND_SEEK_MODE _ ) As SND_RESULT End Function Public Function StreamRead( _ ByVal buffer_ptr As Long, _ ByVal buffer_len As Long, _ ByRef buffer_read As Long _ ) As SND_RESULT End Function
grüße und viel Spass beim übersetzen !!!
Option Explicit
Public Property Get SamplesPerSecond( _ ) As Long End Property Public Property Get Channels( _ ) As Integer End Property Public Property Get BitsPerSample( _ ) As Integer End Property Public Property Get BitsPerSecond( _ ) As Long End Property Public Property Get position( _ ) As Long End Property Public Property Get Duration( _ ) As Long End Property Public Property Get tags( _ ) As StreamTags End Property |
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Registriert seit: 19. Feb 2006 81 Beiträge Delphi 2006 Professional |
Mein Gott, für solche Späße schreibt man doch ne C++-Dll, die man dann von VB aus aufruft... Und hackt sich nicht sowas zusammen... Das ist ja schlimm was für Sachen das arme, unschuldige VB da über sich ergehen lassen muss!
(Nicht ganz ernst gemeint, aber ist schon heftig der Code, Respekt an den Autor ) Danke auf jeden Fall, mal sehen ob sich was draus basteln lässt |
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