Registriert seit: 21. Apr 2004
Ort: Tuningen
367 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Enterprise
Re: UDP - Indy - Socket Error #10004
1. Nov 2007, 02:06
hi .. hat sich erledigt .. den Fehler bekommst du doch nur in der IDE oder ?
Note: All Indy exceptions descend from EIdException. By default, Delphi 7 has at least one item in Tools > Debugger Options > Language Exceptions related to Indy, " Indy EIDSilentException Exceptions", and, possibly " Indy EIDSocketError Exceptions"... which do not prevent the IDE to fail when running in the by design exception EIdSocketError "Socket Error # 10004". The reason is that the actual exception is "EIdSocketError", not " Indy EIDSocketError Exceptions". Add the former through the Add button, don't forget to add IdException in the users section, and you won't be stopped by the IDE anymore.