Thema: Delphi TICQLib fixed

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Re: TICQLib fixed

  Alt 14. Jul 2007, 16:01
danke erst mal, ma schaun obs jetzt klappt. --- es hat ne geklappt

hat jemand zufällig eine vollstaendig gefixte pas?

--die prcd(von Mr.NiceGuy) hab ich verwendet um die alte HSnac0407 zu ersetzen --aber fehlschlag

#Error: "Received malformed login packet
Connection with ICQ server failed"

 procedure TICQClient.HSnac0407(Flap: TFlapHdr; Snac: TSnacHdr; Pkt: PRawPkt);
  ITime, IRandomID: LongWord;
  ULen: Word;
  c, i: Word;
  ft_pkt, ack_pkt: TRawPkt;
  chunks: array[0..49] of Byte;
  CharsetNumber, CharsetSubset: Word;
  Msg, UIN: String;
  Status: LongWord;
  MsgType: Word;
  MsgFlag: Byte;
  Answer: LongWord;
  aPort: Word;
  aIP: DWord;
  extIP: DWORD;
  wAck: Word;
  Request: Boolean;
// dwOnlineSince: DWORD;
  Desc, URL: String;
  v: Byte;
  atype: String;
  XML: String;
  XMLTime, XMLSource, XMLSender, XMLText: String;
  FName, FDesc: String;
  FSize: LongWord;
  FFSeq, FFSeq2: Word;
  Rec: TFTRequestRec;
  TCMD: String;
  List: TStringList;
  PSender, PEmail, PSenderIP: string;
  Request := False;
  ITime := GetInt(Pkt, 4); //Time(system up since): time(NULL) - ITime div 1000
                                                //'System up since: ' + DateTimeToStr(DateTimeToUnix(Now) - ITime div 1000);
                                                //Seen by ICQ2003x

  IRandomID := GetInt(Pkt, 2); //RandomID
  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //Unknown: empty
  Msg := '';
  chan:=GetInt(Pkt, 2);
  UIN := GetStr(Pkt, GetInt(Pkt, 1));
  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2);
      c := GetInt(Pkt, 2); //A count of the number of following TLVs.
      for i := 0 to c - 1 do //Skip all TLVs
        Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2);
        if (Pkt^.Len>=Flap.DataLen) then exit;
        Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2));
  case chan of
    1: //Simply(old-type) message
      if GetInt(Pkt, 2) = 2 then //TLV with message remain
        Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //TLV length + Unknown const
        Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2)); //Counts of following bytes + following bytes
        Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //x0101, Unknown, constant
        ULen := GetInt(Pkt, 2) - 4; //Length of the message + 4

        // Support for other charsets by Yegor
        CharsetNumber:=GetInt (Pkt, 2); //The encoding used for the message.
                                                //0x0000: US-ASCII
                                                //0x0002: UCS-2BE (or UTF-16?)
                                                //0x0003: local 8bit encoding, eg iso-8859-1, cp-1257, cp-1251.
                                                //Beware that UCS-2BE will contain zero-bytes for characters in the US-ASCII range.
        CharsetSubset:=GetInt (Pkt, 2); //Unknown; seen: 0x0000 = 0, 0xffff = -1.

// Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Unknown seems to be constant

        Msg := GetStr(Pkt, ULen); //The actual message text. There will be no ending NULL.
        if not ((CharsetNumber=0) or (CharsetNumber=3))
           then Msg:=UTF8ToStrSmart (Msg);
        if FDoPlain
           then Msg:=RTF2Plain (Msg);
        if (Length(Msg) > 0) and Assigned(OnMessageRecv) then
          FOnMsg(Self, Msg, UIN);
    2: //Advanced(new-type)
        if GetInt(Pkt, 2) = 5 then
          Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2);
          if GetInt(Pkt, 2) <> 0 then //ACKTYPE: 0x0000 - This is a normal message
          Inc(Pkt^.Len, 16); //File signature
          Inc(Pkt^.Len, 8); //TIME + RANDOM
          for i := 0 to 5 do
            TlvType := GetInt(Pkt, 2);

            if TlvType = $2711 then //Searching for TLV(2711) (with sources)
              // * eraser 21.04.2004
              // todo: AdvancedOnlineInfo event: aIP, aPort, ITime, Online Since
              Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //TLV Length
              Move(Ptr(LongWord(Pkt) + Pkt^.Len)^, chunks, 47);
              if GetInt(Pkt, 1) <> $1B then //If this value is not present, this is not a message packet. Also, ICQ2001b does not send an ACK, SNAC(4,B), if this is not 0x1B.
              Inc(Pkt^.Len, 26);
              FFSeq := GetInt(Pkt, 2);
              Inc(Pkt^.Len, 16);
              // * eraser 21.04.2004
              MsgType := GetInt(Pkt, 1); //message type (e.g. ea = AWAY)
              MsgFlag := GetInt(Pkt, 1); //message flags (e.g. 03 = MFLAG_AUTO)
              Answer := GetInt(Pkt, 4); //Read away-msg: seen 00 00 00 00
                                                //Send away-msg: seen zero and non zero

              //Away-Msgs respond from ICQ Lite
              if ((MsgType and $E0) = $E0) and (MsgFlag = MFLAG_AUTO) then
                if Request = False then begin
                  Msg := GetLNTS(Pkt); //message string (null-terminated)
                  if Assigned(OnAutoMsgResponse) then
                    FOnAutoMsgResponse(Self, UIN, IRandomID, MsgType, Msg);
                 // Exit;
                  else (todo) who is reading my away-msg event
              end else
              if MsgType = M_FILE then //File request
                FDesc := GetLNTS(Pkt); //File description
                Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Unknown: 00 00 00 00
                FName := GetLNTS(Pkt); //File name
                FSize := GetLInt(Pkt, 4); //File size

                {Set the records' items} 
                Rec.ITime := ITime;
                Rec.IRandomID := IRandomID;
                Rec.UIN := StrToInt64(UIN);
                Rec.FileSize := FSize;
                Rec.Description := FDesc;
                Rec.FileName := FName;
                Rec.Seq := FFSeq;
                Rec.ReqType := $01;
                if Assigned(OnFTRequest) then
                  FOnFTRequest(Self, Rec);
              end else
              if MsgType = M_ADVANCED then //Advanced message container
                GetLNTS(Pkt); //Empty message (contains only a null terminator)
                Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //Following length
                Inc(Pkt^.Len, 16); //Signature
                Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2); //Unknown: empty
                TCMD := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Text command
                If (Pos('File', TCmd) > 0) or (Pos(#$D4#$E0#$E9#$EB, TCmd) > 0) Then {Fix for russian users from Yegor}          //Someone is sending us a file
                  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 19);
                  fDesc := GetDWStr(Pkt);
                  aPort := GetInt(Pkt, 2);
                  FFSeq2:= GetInt(Pkt, 2);
                  fName := GetWStr(Pkt);
                  fSize := GetInt(Pkt, 4);
                  Rec.Port := aPort;
                  Rec.ITime := ITime;
                  Rec.IRandomID := IRandomID;
                  Rec.UIN := StrToInt64(UIN);
                  Rec.FileSize := FSize;
                  Rec.Description := FDesc;
                  Rec.FileName := FName;
                  Rec.Seq := FFSeq;
                  // Send Ack through Server.
                  Rec.ReqType := $01; //
                  //NOTE From NighTrader: This is not working correctly,
                  //I was doing this wrong, if you have any knowladge of
                  //how this works please ICQ me @ 30391169.
                  if Assigned(OnFTRequest) then
                    FOnFTRequest(Self, Rec);
                end else
                if (Pos('Request For Contacts', TCMD) > 0) or (Pos(#$C7#$E0#$EF#$F0#$EE#$F1#$20#$CA#$EE#$ED#$F2#$E0#$EA#$F2#$EE#$E2, TCmd) > 0) then
                  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 15); //15 unknown bytes
                  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Following length
                  Msg := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Message containing a reason
                  if Assigned(OnContactListRequest) then
                    FOnContactListReq(Self, UIN, Msg);
                end else
                if (Pos('Contacts',TCMD) > 0 ) or (Pos(#$CA#$EE#$ED#$F2#$E0#$EA#$F2#$FB, TCMD) > 0) then
                  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //Following length
                  Msg := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Message containing a list with contacts
                  List := TStringList.Create; //Create temporary list
                  ParseContacts(Msg, List); //Parse message with contacts
                  if Assigned(OnContactListRecv) then
                    FOnContactListRecv(Self, UIN, List);
                end else
                if (Pos('Web Page Address (URL)',TCMD) > 0) or (Pos(#$CF#$EE#$F1#$EB#$E0#$F2#$FC#$20#$D1#$F1#$FB#$EB#$EA#$F3#$20#$ED#$E0#$20#$E2#$E5#$E1#$2D#$F1#$F2#$F0#$E0#$ED#$E8#$F6#$F3,TCmd) > 0) then
                  // Handle URL Msg
                  Inc(Pkt^.Len, 19);
                  Msg := GetDWStr(Pkt);
                  if Pos(#$FE, Msg) <> -1 then begin // Break apart strings
                    Desc := Copy(Msg, 1, Pos(#$FE, Msg) - 1);
                    URL := Copy(Msg, Length(Desc) + 2, 255);
                    if Assigned(OnURLRecv) then
                      FOnURL(Self, Desc, URL, UIN);
                Msg := GetLNTS(Pkt); //The actual message text. There will be ending NULL.

              {Sending ACK of the message} 
              PktInit(@ack_pkt, 2, FSeq); //Channel 2
              PktSnac(@ack_pkt, $04, $0B, 0, 0); //SNAC(x04/x0B)
              Move(Ptr(LongWord(Pkt) + TSNACSZ)^, Ptr(LongWord(@ack_pkt) + ack_pkt.Len)^, 10); //First 10 bytes of TLV(2711)
              Inc(ack_pkt.Len, 10); //Skip first 10 bytes copied from TLV(2711) which were added before
              PktLStr(@ack_pkt, UIN); //User's UIN
              PktInt(@ack_pkt, $0003, 2); //00 03
              PktAddArrBuf(@ack_pkt, @chunks, 47); //First 47 bytes of source packet (with message)
              PktInt(@ack_pkt, $00000000, 4); //00 00 00 00
              //If it's an auto-away message request
              if (MsgType and $E0 = $E0) and Request then
                PktLNTS(@ack_pkt, FAutoAwayMsg) //Auto-away message
              else begin
                PktInt(@ack_pkt, 1, 1); //01
                PktInt(@ack_pkt, 0, 4); //00 00 00 00
                PktInt(@ack_pkt, 0, 2); //00 00
                PktInt(@ack_pkt, $FFFFFF00, 4); //FF FF FF 00
              FSock.SendData(ack_pkt, ack_pkt.Len);

              if (Length(Msg) > 0) then
                if MsgType = M_PLAIN then
                  if FDoPlain then Msg := Rtf2Plain(Msg); //Convert message from RTF to plaintext when needed
                  if Assigned(OnMessageRecv) then
                    FOnMsg(Self, Msg, UIN);
                end else
                if MsgType = M_URL then
                  Desc := Copy(Msg, 0, Pos(#$fe, Msg) - 1);
                  URL := Copy(Msg, Pos(#$fe, Msg) + 1, Length(Msg) - Pos(#$fe, Msg));
                  if Assigned(OnURLRecv) then
                    FOnURL(Self, Desc, URL, UIN);
            end else
            if TlvType = 5 then // TVL(5) Get a Port
              Inc(pkt^.Len, 2); // Skip Length
              aPort := GetInt(Pkt, 2); // Get Port Number
            end else
            // *eraser 21.04.2004
            if TlvType = 6 then        // TLV(6) Status
              Inc(pkt^.Len, 4);
              Status := GetInt(Pkt, 4);
            end else
            if TlvType = $0004 then // TLV(4) Get an ExtIP
              Inc(pkt^.Len, 4); // skip length
              extIP := GetInt(Pkt, 4); // Get IP Number
            end else
            if TlvType = $000F then // TLV(F)
              Inc(pkt^.Len, 2); // skip length
              Request := True; // possibly it is a request
            end else
            if TlvType = $000A then // TLV(A)
              Inc(pkt^.Len, 2); // 0x0002 skip length
              wAck := GetInt(Pkt, 2); // seen 0001 - req (unk 0x000F 0x0000)
                                        // seen 0002 - reply (IP, Port)
            end else
            if TlvType = 3 then // TLV(3) Get an IntIP
              Inc(pkt^.Len,2); // Skip Length
              aIP := GetInt(Pkt,4); // Get IP Number
            end else
              Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2));
        end else
          Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2));
      // todo special user online event
    4: //Another message type
      UIN := GetLStr(Pkt);
      for i := 0 to 4 do
        v := GetInt(Pkt, 1);
        if (v = 5) or ((GetInt(Pkt, 1) = 5) and (v = 0)) then //TLV(5) was found
          if v = 5 then //Some modifications for MAC clients
            Inc(Pkt^.Len, 40)
            Inc(Pkt^.Len, 2);
          GetLInt(Pkt, 4); //UIN
          MsgType := GetLInt(Pkt, 2); //Message-type
          Msg := GetLNTS(Pkt); //Message
          if MsgType = $1a then //Probably advanced msg format
            Inc(Pkt^.Len, 20); //20 unknown bytes
            atype := GetDWStr(Pkt); //Advanced msg sub-type
            if Pos ('ICQSMS', aType)<>0 then //Corresponds to received SMS message in XML formatted message
              Inc(Pkt^.Len, 3); //00 00 00
              Inc(Pkt^.Len, 4); //4-byte little endian length of the following data
              XML := GetStr(Pkt, GetLInt(Pkt, 4)); //XML entry of SMS response
              XMLSource := GetXMLEntry('source', XML); //Source, usually: 'ICQ'
              XMLSender := GetXMLEntry('sender', XML); //Source cellular number
              XMLText := GetXMLEntry('text', XML); //Text of reply
              XMLTime := GetXMLEntry('time', XML); //Time of sending reply
              if Assigned(OnSMSReply) then
                FOnSMSReply(Self, XMLSource, XMLSender, XMLTime, UTF8ToStrSmart(XMLText));

          if (Length(Msg) > 0) then
            if MsgType = M_PLAIN then
              if FDoPlain then Msg := Rtf2Plain(Msg); //Convert message from RTF to plaintext when needed
              if Assigned(OnMessageRecv) then
                FOnMsg(Self, Msg, UIN);
            else if MsgType = M_URL then
              Desc := Copy(Msg, 0, Pos(#$fe, Msg) - 1);
              URL := Copy(Msg, Pos(#$fe, Msg) + 1, Length(Msg) - Pos(#$fe, Msg));
              if Assigned(OnURLRecv) then
                FOnURL(Self, Desc, URL, UIN);
            end else
            if MsgType = M_WEB_PAGE then // Updated by Saif.N * To Support Web Page Message
              PSender := Copy(Msg, 1, Pos(#$fe, Msg) - 1);
              Msg := Copy(Msg,Length(PSender)+4, Length(Msg));
              PEmail := Copy(Msg, 1 , Pos(#$fe, Msg)-1);
              Msg := Copy(Msg,Length(PEmail)+1, Length(Msg));
              PSenderIP:= Copy(Msg, Pos('IP:', Msg)+4, Pos(#$D, Msg)-Pos('IP:', Msg)-4);
              Msg := Copy(Msg, Pos(#$A,Msg) + 1, Length(Msg));
              if Assigned(OnWPagerRecv) then
                 FonWPager(Self, PSender, PEmail, PSenderIP, Msg);
        end else
          Inc(Pkt^.Len, GetInt(Pkt, 2));
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