Thema: Delphi FastMM Optionen

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Benutzerbild von Luckie

Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2002
37.621 Beiträge
Delphi 2006 Professional

Re: FastMM Optionen

  Alt 2. Jul 2007, 16:47
Nutr leider sind das meiste Speicherlecks in einer Fremdkomponente:
DWFotoBook.exe: Memory Leak Detected
This application has leaked memory. The small block leaks are (excluding expected leaks registered by pointer):

1 - 4 bytes: Unknown x 4
5 - 12 bytes: Unknown x 6
13 - 20 bytes: TIEScrollBarParams x 4, TIEMouseWheelParams x 2, TList x 39, TIEFileBuffer x 9, String x 2, Unknown x 6
21 - 28 bytes: TIEVSoftShadow x 4, TPen x 10, TBrush x 20
29 - 36 bytes: TPadding x 6, TMargins x 6, TSizeConstraints x 6, TFont x 16, Unknown x 5
37 - 52 bytes: TPicture x 4, TShellFolder x 19, Unknown x 4
53 - 68 bytes: TStringList x 19, TBitmap x 17, TTimer x 4, String x 2, Unknown x 7
85 - 100 bytes: TBitmapCanvas x 2, TControlCanvas x 4, TShellChangeThread x 2
101 - 116 bytes: TIEMask x 2, TBitmapImage x 17
133 - 148 bytes: TIETransitionEffects x 2, TIELayer x 5
149 - 164 bytes: TIEBitmap x 9
261 - 292 bytes: Unknown x 2
613 - 676 bytes: TIEEdit x 2
757 - 836 bytes: TIETextControl x 2
1141 - 1252 bytes: Unknown x 2
1861 - 2052 bytes: Unknown x 2
2053 - 2260 bytes: Unknown x 2
2261 - 2484 bytes: TImageEnVect x 2

The sizes of leaked medium and large blocks are (excluding expected leaks registered by pointer): 164020, 39412, 16308, 13508, 164020, 73908, 4276

Note: Memory leak detail is logged to a text file in the same folder as this application. To disable this memory leak check, undefine "EnableMemoryLeakReporting".
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