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665 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32
Re: Programm Icon nur sehr klein dargestellt
28. Jun 2007, 18:29
In der Hilfe von IcoFX habe ich zumindest mal folgendes gefunden:
How to create a Windows Vista icon
1. Start IcoFX
2. Create a new empty icon (Ctrl + N)
3. On the New Image dialog select the size 256x256 , and data type of the image True Color + Alpha channel
4. Draw the icon
5. Choose Icon/Create Icon From Image from the main menu
6. Select the image formats to include in the icon make sure to include the 256x256 image formats.
7. Press Ok
8. Make sure that the Compress 256x256 images for Windows Vista option is selected (this can be selected on the Preferences dialog)
9. Save the icon (Ctrl + S)