Thema: Delphi Teil eines Strings

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Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2003
Ort: Bretten
54 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Professional

Re: Teil eines Strings

  Alt 9. Sep 2003, 15:13
siehe delphi-hilfe:

PosEx function

Returns the index value of a substring.




string handling routines

Delphi syntax:

function PosEx(const SubStr, S: string; Offset: Cardinal = 1): Integer;

C++ syntax:

extern PACKAGE int __fastcall PosEx(const AnsiString SubStr, const AnsiString S, unsigned Offset = 1);


PosEx returns the index of SubStr in S, beginning the search at Offset. If Offset is 1 (default), PosEx is equivalent to Pos.

PosEx returns 0 if SubStr is not found, if Offset is greater than the length of S, or if Offset is less than 1.
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