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Untyped Binary Files

Ein Thema von sk.Silvia · begonnen am 19. Feb 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 21. Feb 2006
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Daniel G

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Re: Untyped Binary Files

  Alt 21. Feb 2006, 21:14
Zitat von sk.Silvia:
but iam not geting it why i had to use the 1 in reset(MFile,1); and rewrite();
'Cause you are working with untyped files.

I don't really now how it works, but the Delphi help says...ehm...damn, i've got the german version. So no quotation.

The help says that "only a blocksize of 1 will almost every time lead to a correct size." And I guess that this has also to do with the size of your buffer you are using in

BlockRead(MFile,tmp,1); because this is also 1.

So long,
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