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Module löscht sich selbst (ohne Bat oder Dll)

Ein Thema von Gast · begonnen am 6. Jul 2003
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Module löscht sich selbst (ohne Bat oder Dll)

  Alt 6. Jul 2003, 20:42
Code ist PUBLIC DOMAIN! Funktioniert nicht unter WinXP!!!
Der Code ist nur von mir optimiert (nutzt die IAT statt GetProcAddress) ... bin aber nicht der ursprüngliche Autor. Der ist unbekannt!

//[Last update 2003-05-17]
program DelSelf;
procedure DeleteSelf;
  This code is only compatible with Windows 95, 98, Me and NT 4, 2000!
  No XP support, yet. If I find out how this could work, I'll update the code.
  If your code will definitely not run on XP, you may undefine the compiler
  variable XPVERSIONCHECK which will strip the version checking off the code :)
  Note, this version will only work, as long as the functions are imported through
  the import table. This is true for any Win32 app and Kernel32.dll!
  Anyway, if you introduce symbol names, that conflict with the function names,
  this code is likely to break! I am not sure wether this is possible at all for
  kernel32 functions, because kernel32.dll is implicitly bound, but maybe it is ...
  so be warned!
  Also, this code is only compatible with the i386 processor architecture. This
  becomes evident as soon as you recognise the assembler parts in the code.
  This code is PUBLIC DOMAIN!!!

  szModuleName: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of Char;
    pUnmapViewOfFile: Pointer;
  hModule: THandle;
// Check for version and exit if XP detected
    lea eax, osvi
    push eax
// Set size member
    mov osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize, $94
    call GetVersionEx
    test eax, eax
    jz @@ExitThis // Version could not be determined!
// Check for version 5 (2000, XP)
    cmp osvi.dwMajorVersion, 5
    jl @@startthrough
// Check for minor version greater or equal 1 (means XP or higher)
    cmp osvi.dwMinorVersion, 1
    jl @@startthrough
// else Exit
    call ExitProc
    mov eax, osvi.dwPlatformId
    mov hModule, 0
    cmp eax, VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
    je @@foo1
    mov hModule, $80000000 // 9x, Me
    push hModule
    call GetVersion
    push eax
(*** Get real address of ExitProcess ***)
{ Dereference the function addresses from the jump table:
  I'll briefly explain on this first function ('ExitProcess')
  Load effective address. EAX points to code like FF 25 XX XX XX XX -> jmp ds:XXXXXXXX }

    lea eax, [ExitProcess]
{ Ignore the jump instruction of 2 bytes size (i.e. FF 25) }
    mov eax, [eax+2]
{ EAX holds now the XX XX XX XX from above metacode, i.e. a pointer to the 'real' address }
    mov eax, [eax]
{ EAX now holds the 'real' address of the function ExitProcess within our realm }
    mov pExitProcess, eax
{ The following code works accordingly ...}
(*** Get real address of DeleteFileA ***)
    lea eax, [DeleteFileA]
    mov eax, [eax+2]
    mov eax, [eax]
    mov pDeleteFile, eax
(*** Get real address of FreeLibrary ***)
    lea eax, [FreeLibrary]
    mov eax, [eax+2]
    mov eax, [eax]
    mov pFreeLibrary, eax
(*** Get real address of UnmapViewOfFile ***)
    lea eax, [UnmapViewOfFile]
    mov eax, [eax+2]
    mov eax, [eax]
    mov pUnmapViewOfFile, eax
(*** Now the "main code" ***)
    push 0
    call GetModuleHandleA
    mov hModule, eax
(*** Got module handle of this instance ***)
    push MAX_PATH
    lea eax, szModuleName
    push eax
    push hModule
    call GetModuleFileNameA
(*** szModuleName now holds the file name of our instance's module ***)
(*** Checking for Windows 9x / Windows NT platform ***)
    pop eax
    test eax, $80000000
    jz @@NTplatform
//@@9xplatform: // Windows 95, 98, Me
    lea eax, szModuleName
    push System.ExitCode
    push 0
    push eax
    push pExitProcess
    push hModule
    push pDeleteFile
    push pFreeLibrary
@@NTplatform: // Windows NT, 2000
    push 4
    call CloseHandle;
    lea eax, szModuleName
    push System.ExitCode
    push 0
    push eax
    push pExitProcess
    push hModule
    push pDeleteFile
    push pUnmapViewOfFile
Download als Textdatei hier:!export/delphi_deleteself.txt
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