Thema: Delphi Unicode search

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Benutzerbild von himitsu

Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.229 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

Re: Unicode search

  Alt 30. Mai 2007, 16:56
Why do you use so many ansi-function in spite of searching for a wide-string?

AnsiUpperCase is a funcion and not a procedure.
forString := WideUpperCase( forString ); it have not been tested still, however, I think it functions nevertheless.
function ScanFile(const filename: String;
                 forString: WideString;
                 caseSensitive: Boolean ): LongInt;
{ returns position of string in file or -1, if not found }
 BufferSize= $8000; { 32K bytes }
 Buf: WideString;
 filesize, bytesRemaining, bytesToRead, bytesReaded, i: Integer;
 F: File of Widechar;
 oldMode: Word;
 Result := -1; { assume failure }
 if (Length( forString ) = 0) or (Length( filename ) = 0) then

 { open file as binary, 1 byte recordsize }
 AssignFile( F, filename );
 oldMode := FileMode;
 FileMode := 0; { read-only access }
 Reset(F);//, 1 );
 FileMode := oldMode;
   if not caseSensitive then { convert to upper case }
     forString := WideUpperCase( forString );
   filesize := System.Filesize( F ) and not 1;
   bytesRemaining := filesize;
   Buf := '';
   while bytesRemaining > 0 do
     { calc how many bytes to read this round }
     if bytesRemaining > BufferSize then
       bytesToRead := BufferSize
       bytesToRead := bytesRemaining;

     { delete the buffer, up to a part for the buffer overall search }
     Delete(Buf, 1, Length(Buf) - Length(forString) + 1);
     i := Length(Buf);

     { read a buffer }
     SetLength(Buf, i + bytesToRead);
     BlockRead(F, Buf[i + 1], bytesToRead, bytesReaded);

     if bytesToRead <> bytesReaded then
       Exit; { read error }

     if not caseSensitive then { convert to upper case }
       Buf := WideUpperCase( Buf );

     { scan the buffer }
     i := Pos(forString, Buf);

     if i > 0 then
       Result := FileSize - bytesRemaining - Length(Buf) + i;

     Dec(bytesRemaining, bytesToRead);
   end; { While }
   CloseFile( F );
end; { ScanFile }

Unicode Html File
Are you secure with the format?
Not that the files are UTF-8 coded for example.
$2B or not $2B
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