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Registriert seit: 31. Dez 2004
Ort: Stuttgart
4.408 Beiträge
Delphi XE8 Enterprise

Inhalt vom ListView drucken

  Alt 26. Mai 2007, 13:36
toms zeigt hier, wie man den Inhalt von einer ListView drucken kann. Die ListView wird hier in einer strukturierten Tabelle ausgedruckt. Ich habe ein Kommentar entfernt, damit es unter Turbo Delphi funktioniert.
procedure PrintListview(oListView: TListView; PrintDialog: TPrintDialog; lvTitel: string);
  pWidth, pHeight, i: Integer;
  v, h: Real;
  CurItem, iColumnCount: Integer;
  //aCols: array[0..50] of Integer; // Delphi 3
  aCols: array of Integer; // Delphi 5
  iTotColsWidth, iInnerWidth, TopMarg, LinesOnPage, CurLine, TekstHeight, CurCol: Integer;
  CurRect: TRect;
  CurStr: string;
  CurLeft, NumPages, TmpPos: Integer;

  if PrintDialog.Execute then
    iColumnCount := oListview.Columns.Count;
    SetLength(aCols, iColumnCount + 1); // + 1 nodig ??? Delphi 5
    Printer.Title := 'Listview Print';
    Printer.Copies := 1;
    Printer.Orientation := poPortrait;
    pHeight := Printer.PageHeight;
    pWidth := Printer.PageWidth;

    v := (pHeight + (2 * GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY))) / (29.7 * 0.95);
    //0.95 is a strange correction factor on the clients printer
    h := (pWidth + (2 * GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX))) / 21;

    // calculate total width
    iTotColsWidth := 0;
    for i := 0 to iColumnCount - 1 do
      iTotColsWidth := iTotColsWidth + oListView.Columns[i].Width;

    // calculate space between lMargin and rMargin
    aCols[0] := Round(1.5 * h); //left margin ?
    aCols[iColumnCount + 0] := pWidth - Round(1.5 * h); //rigth margin ?
    iInnerWidth := aCols[iColumnCount + 0] - aCols[0]; // space between margins ?

    //calculate start of each column
    for i := 0 to iColumnCount - 1 do
      aCols[i + 1] := aCols[i] + Round(oListView.Columns[i].Width / iTotColsWidth * iInnerWidth);
    TopMarg := Round(2.5 * v);
    with Printer.Canvas do
      Font.Size := 10;
      Font.Style := [];
      Font.Name := 'Times New Roman';
      Font.Color := RGB(0, 0, 0);
      TekstHeight := Printer.Canvas.TextHeight('dummy');
      LinesOnPage := Round((PHeight - (5 * v)) / TekstHeight);
      NumPages := 1;

      // gather number of pages to print
      while (NumPages * LinesOnPage) < oListView.Items.Count do
      // start
      CurLine := 0;
      for CurItem := 0 to oListView.Items.Count - 1 do
        if (CurLine > LinesOnPage) or (CurLine = 0) then
          if (CurLine > LinesOnPage) then Printer.NewPage;
          CurLine := 1;
          if Printer.PageNumber = NumPages then
            MoveTo(aCols[1], topMarg);
            for i := 1 to iColumnCount - 1 do
              LineTo(aCols[i], TopMarg + (TekstHeight * (oListView.Items.Count - CurItem + 2)));
              MoveTo(aCols[i + 1], topMarg);
            // draw vertical lines between data
            for i := 1 to iColumnCount - 1 do
              MoveTo(aCols[i], topMarg);
              LineTo(aCols[i], TopMarg + (TekstHeight * (LinesOnPage + 1)));

          Font.Style := [fsBold];
          // print column headers
          for i := 0 to iColumnCount - 1 do
            TextRect(Rect(aCols[i] + Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg - Round(0.1 * v), aCols[i + 1] - Round(0.1 * h)
              , TopMarg + TekstHeight - Round(0.1 * v)), ((aCols[i + 1] - aCols[i]) div 2) +
              aCols[i] - (TextWidth(oListview.Columns.Items[i].Caption) div 2),
              TopMarg - Round(0.1 * v), oListview.Columns.Items[i].Caption);
            //showmessage('print kolom: '+IntToStr(i));

          // draw horizontal line beneath column headers
          MoveTo(aCols[0] - Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg + TekstHeight - Round(0.05 * v));
          LineTo(aCols[iColumnCount] + Round(0.1 * h), TopMarg + TekstHeight - Round(0.05 * v));

          // print date and page number
          Font.Size := 8;
          Font.Style := [];
          TmpPos := (TextWidth('Date: ' + DateToStr(Date) + ' Page: ' +
            IntToStr(Printer.PageNumber) + ' / ' + IntToStr(NumPages))) div 2;

          TmpPos := PWidth - Round(1.5 * h) - (TmpPos * 2);

          Font.Size := 8;
          Font.Style := [];
          TextOut(TmpPos, Round(0.5 * v), 'Date: ' + DateToStr(Date) +
            ' Page: ' + IntToStr(Printer.PageNumber) + ' / ' + IntToStr(NumPages));

          // print report title
          Font.Size := 18;
          if TmpPos < ((PWidth + TextWidth(lvTitel)) div 2 + Round(0.75 * h)) then
            TextOut((PWidth - TextWidth(lvTitel)) div 2, Round(1 * v), lvTitel)
            TextOut(Round(3 * h), Round(1 * v), lvTitel);

          Font.Size := 10;
          Font.Style := [];

        CurRect.Top := TopMarg + (CurLine * TekstHeight);
        CurRect.Bottom := TopMarg + ((CurLine + 1) * TekstHeight);

        // print contents of Listview
        for CurCol := -1 to iColumnCount - 2 do
          CurRect.Left := aCols[CurCol + 1] + Round(0.1 * h);
          CurRect.Right := aCols[CurCol + 2] - Round(0.1 * h);
            if CurCol = -1 then
              CurStr := oListView.Items[CurItem].Caption
              CurStr := oListView.Items[CurItem].SubItems[CurCol];
            CurStr := '';
          CurLeft := CurRect.Left; // align left side
          // write string in TextRect
          TextRect(CurRect, CurLeft, CurRect.Top, CurStr);
Ich habe es unter Windows XP getestet und es funktioniert wunderbar.
Rolf Warnecke
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