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Audiodatei (MP3) leiser werden lassen

Ein Thema von wursthunter · begonnen am 9. Feb 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 10. Feb 2006
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Registriert seit: 14. Sep 2002
Ort: Steinbach, MB, Canada
301 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Architect

Re: Audiodatei (MP3) leiser werden lassen

  Alt 10. Feb 2006, 01:21

Der Folgende Code hatte ich mal für Bass v 2.1 geschrieben.

 Cur_Volume : Single;
 FFadeOut : Boolean;
 FFadeIn : Boolean;
 FFadeTime : LongInt;

//------------- Fade in / Out
 if (FFadeOut) and (Get_SongLen - Get_PlayTime < FFadeTime) then
    Cur_Volume:= 100 * ((Get_SongLen - Get_PlayTime) / FFadeTime)
    Cur_Volume:= 100;

 if (FFadeIn) and (Get_PlayTime < FFadeTime) then
     Cur_Volume:= 100 * (Get_PlayTime / FFadeTime)
  if not (FFadeOut) then
     Cur_Volume:= 100;

  if Cur_Volume > 100 then Cur_Volume:= 100;
  if Cur_Volume < 0 then Cur_Volume:= 0;

  BASS_ChannelSetAttributes(Channel, -1, Trunc(Cur_Volume), trunc(Cur_Panning));


{-------------------------------- Volume --------------------------------------}

//This function affects the volume level of all applications using the same output device
//The volume level... 0 (min) - 100
Procedure TAudioEngine.Set_MainVolume(Value : WORD);
   if Value < 0 then Value:= 0;
   if Value > 100 then Value:= 100;
   if BASS_SetVolume(Value) then
      Cur_Volume:= Value;

en Example aus der Bass Hilfe

Fadeout a channel's volume over a period of 1 second.

BOOL WINAPI BASS_ChannelSlideAttributes(
DWORD handle,
int freq,
int volume,
int pan,
DWORD time


handle The channel handle... a HCHANNEL, HSTREAM or HMUSIC.

freq The sample rate... 100 (min) - 100000 (max), -1 = leave current.
volume The volume... 0 (silent) - 100 or what's been set with the BASS_CONFIG_MAXVOL config option (max), -1 = leave current, -2 = fade to 0 and stop the channel.
pan The panning position... -100 (left) - 100 (right), -101 = leave current.
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