Zitat von
mein Virenscanner sagt das dein programm ein Vius ist:
Win32:Banwor-I [Wrm]
dll, welche ich für den Maushook verwendet habe, wird vermutlich als Virus erkannt.
Wenn ich Zeit habe, werde ich meinen eigenen Maushook schreiben.
Der Hersteller der TWatch Komponente hat geschrieben:
Virus alert ?
A programmer of a trojan horse (like a virus) used an older version of this component. This had the unpleasant result that some virus scanners detected any program which used this component as a virus.
I guarentee that there is no virus in the downloadable zip. I renamed relevant items and hope that most virus scanners will not detect TWatch as a virus anymore. I also contacted anti-virus companies to modify their detection algorithm, but without response.