Registriert seit: 25. Okt 2003 Ort: Dortmund 33 Beiträge Delphi 7 Professional |
Ich habe in der Vergangenheit immer wieder nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht,
mir die CpuUsage in % für einzelne Prozesse anzeigen zu lassen. Es wurden hier im Forum zu diesem Thema einige Ansätze aufgezeigt. Daraus ist folgende Unit entstanden:
unit CpuUsage;
interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Registry; const PROCESS_OBJECT_INDEX = 230; // 'Process' object PROCESSOR_TIME_COUNTER_INDEX = 6; // '% processor time' counter PERF_NO_INSTANCES = -1; type PPerfDataBlock = ^TPerfDataBlock; TPerfDataBlock = record Signature: array[0..3] of WChar; LittleEndian: DWord; Version: DWord; Revision: DWord; TotalByteLength: DWord; HeaderLength: DWord; NumObjectTypes: DWord; DefaultObject: Longint; SystemTime: TSystemTime; // It seams that there is an error in declaration // of this structure in Microsoft sources // This field added to correct it Reserved: DWord; PerfTime: TLargeInteger; PerfFreq: TLargeInteger; PerfTime100nSec: TLargeInteger; SystemNameLength: DWord; SystemNameOffset: DWord; end; PPerfObjectType = ^TPerfObjectType; TPerfObjectType = record TotalByteLength: DWord; DefinitionLength: DWord; HeaderLength: DWord; ObjectNameTitleIndex: DWord; ObjectNameTitle: LPWSTR; ObjectHelpTitleIndex: DWord; ObjectHelpTitle: LPWSTR; DetailLevel: DWord; NumCounters: DWord; DefaultCounter: Longint; NumInstances: Longint; CodePage: DWord; PerfTime: TLargeInteger; PerfFreq: TLargeInteger; end; PPerfCounterDefinition = ^TPerfCounterDefinition; TPerfCounterDefinition = record ByteLength: DWord; CounterNameTitleIndex: DWord; CounterNameTitle: LPWSTR; CounterHelpTitleIndex: DWord; CounterHelpTitle: LPWSTR; DefaultScale: Longint; DetailLevel: DWord; CounterType: DWord; CounterSize: DWord; CounterOffset: DWord; end; PPerfInstanceDefinition = ^TPerfInstanceDefinition; TPerfInstanceDefinition = record ByteLength: DWord; ParentObjectTitleIndex: DWord; ParentObjectInstance: DWord; UniqueID: Longint; NameOffset: DWord; NameLength: DWord; end; PPerfCounterBlock = ^TPerfCounterBlock; TPerfCounterBlock = record ByteLength: DWord; end; type TCpuUsage = class private pPerfdata: PPerfDataBlock; BufferSize: cardinal; m_bFirstTime: boolean; m_lnOldValue: TLargeInteger; m_OldPerfTime100nSec: TLargeInteger; function GetCpuUsage(pProcessName: PChar): double; function GetCounterValue(pPerfObj: PPerfObjectType; dwCounterIndex: DWord; pInstanceName: PChar): TLargeInteger; overload; function GetCounterValue(dwObjectIndex: DWord; dwCounterIndex: DWord; pInstanceName: PChar = nil): TLargeInteger; overload; function EnablePerformanceCounters(bEnable: boolean = true): boolean; procedure QueryPerformanceData(dwObjectIndex: DWord; dwCounterIndex: DWord); function FirstObject(PerfData: PPerfDataBlock): PPerfObjectType; function NextObject(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfObjectType; function FirstInstance(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfInstanceDefinition; function NextInstance(PerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition): PPerfInstanceDefinition; function FirstCounter(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfCounterDefinition; function NextCounter(PerfCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition): PPerfCounterDefinition; public property CpuUsage[ProcessName: PChar]: double read GetCpuUsage; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; implementation function GetPlatform: string; var osvi: OSVERSIONINFO; begin osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (not GetVersionEx(osvi)) then Result := 'UNKNOWN'; case osvi.dwPlatformId of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: Result := 'WIN9X'; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: if (osvi.dwMajorVersion = 4) then Result := 'WINNT' else Result := 'WIN2K_XP'; else Result := 'UNKNOWN'; end; end; constructor TCpuUsage.Create; begin inherited Create; BufferSize := $2000; pPerfData := AllocMem(BufferSize); m_bFirstTime := true; m_lnOldValue := 0; m_OldPerfTime100nSec := 0; end; destructor TCpuUsage.Destroy; begin Freemem(pPerfdata); inherited Destroy; end; function TCpuUsage.GetCpuUsage(pProcessName: PChar): double; var CpuUsage: double; szInstance: PChar; lnNewValue: TLargeInteger; NewPerfTime100nSec: TLargeInteger; dwObjectIndex: DWord; dwCpuUsageIndex: DWord; lnValueDelta: TLargeInteger; DeltaPerfTime100nSec: TLargeInteger; a: double; begin a := 0; DeltaPerfTime100nSec := 0; CpuUsage := 0; lnNewValue := 0; NewPerfTime100nSec := 0; if (m_bFirstTime) then EnablePerformanceCounters; szInstance := pProcessName; dwObjectIndex := PROCESS_OBJECT_INDEX; dwCpuUsageIndex := PROCESSOR_TIME_COUNTER_INDEX; lnNewValue := GetCounterValue(dwObjectIndex, dwCpuUsageIndex, szInstance); NewPerfTime100nSec := pPerfData.PerfTime100nSec; if (m_bFirstTime) then begin m_bFirstTime := false; m_lnOldValue := lnNewValue; m_OldPerfTime100nSec := NewPerfTime100nSec; result := 0; exit; end; lnValueDelta := lnNewValue - m_lnOldValue; DeltaPerfTime100nSec := NewPerfTime100nSec - m_OldPerfTime100nSec; m_lnOldValue := lnNewValue; m_OldPerfTime100nSec := NewPerfTime100nSec; a := lnValueDelta / DeltaPerfTime100nSec; CpuUsage := a * 100; if (CpuUsage < 0) then begin result := 0; exit; end else result := CpuUsage; end; function TCpuUsage.EnablePerformanceCounters(bEnable: boolean = true): boolean; var regKey: TRegistry; begin regKey := TRegistry.Create; regKey.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if GetPlatform <> 'WIN2K_XP' then begin Result := true; exit; end; if not regKey.OpenKey('SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PerfOS\\Performance', true) then begin Result := false; exit; end; regKey.WriteBool('Disable Performance Counters', not bEnable); regKey.CloseKey; if not regKey.OpenKey('SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PerfProc\\Performance', true) then begin Result := false; exit; end; regKey.WriteBool('Disable Performance Counters', not bEnable); regKey.CloseKey; Result := true; end; function TCpuUsage.GetCounterValue(pPerfObj: PPerfObjectType; dwCounterIndex: DWord; pInstanceName: PChar): TLargeInteger; var pPerfCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition; pPerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition; pCounterBlock: PPerfCounterBlock; J: cardinal; K: cardinal; bstrInstance: string; bstrInputInstance: PChar; lnValue: PLargeInteger; //Pointer auf TLargeInteger begin pPerfCntr := nil; pPerfInst := nil; pCounterBlock := nil; // Get the first counter. pPerfCntr := FirstCounter(pPerfObj); for j := 0 to pPerfObj.NumCounters - 1 do begin if pPerfCntr.CounterNameTitleIndex = dwCounterIndex then break; // Get the next counter. pPerfCntr := NextCounter(pPerfCntr); end; if pPerfObj.NumInstances = PERF_NO_INSTANCES then pCounterBlock := PPerfCounterBlock(DWord(pPerfObj) + pPerfObj.DefinitionLength) else begin pPerfInst := FirstInstance(pPerfObj); // Look for instance pInstanceName bstrInputInstance := pInstanceName; for k := 0 to pPerfObj.NumInstances - 1 do begin bstrInstance := WideCharToString(PWideChar(DWord(pPerfInst) + pPerfInst.NameOffset)); //Bei Gleichheit liefert StrIComp 0 zurück if StrIComp(PChar(bstrInstance), bstrInputInstance) = 0 then begin pCounterBlock := PPerfCounterBlock(DWord(pPerfInst) + pPerfInst.ByteLength); break; end; // Get the next instance. pPerfInst := NextInstance(pPerfInst); end; end; if assigned(pCounterBlock) then begin lnValue := nil; lnValue := pointer(DWord(pCounterBlock) + pPerfCntr.CounterOffset); Result := lnValue^; end else Result := 0; end; function TCpuUsage.GetCounterValue(dwObjectIndex: DWord; dwCounterIndex: DWord; pInstanceName: PChar = nil): TLargeInteger; var pPerfObj: PperfObjectType; I: cardinal; lnValue: TLargeInteger; begin pPerfObj := nil; QueryPerformanceData(dwObjectIndex, dwCounterIndex); lnValue := 0; // Get the first object type. pPerfObj := FirstObject(pPerfData); // Look for the given object index for i := 0 to pPerfData.NumObjectTypes - 1 do begin if (pPerfObj.ObjectNameTitleIndex = dwObjectIndex) then begin lnValue := GetCounterValue(pPerfObj, dwCounterIndex, pInstanceName); break; end; pPerfObj := NextObject(pPerfObj); end; Result := lnValue; end; procedure TCpuUsage.QueryPerformanceData(dwObjectIndex: DWord; dwCounterIndex: DWord); var BS: cardinal; KeyName: PChar; begin KeyName := PChar(IntToStr(DWord(dwObjectIndex))); BS := BufferSize; while RegQueryValueEx(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, KeyName, nil, nil, Pointer(pPerfdata), @BS) = ERROR_MORE_DATA do begin {buffer is too small} INC(BufferSize, $1000); BS := BufferSize; ReallocMem(pPerfdata, BufferSize); end; end; function TCpuUsage.FirstObject(PerfData: PPerfDataBlock): PPerfObjectType; begin Result := PPerfObjectType(DWord(PerfData) + PerfData.HeaderLength); end; function TCpuUsage.NextObject(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfObjectType; begin Result := PPerfObjectType(DWord(PerfObj) + PerfObj.TotalByteLength); end; function TCpuUsage.FirstInstance(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfInstanceDefinition; begin Result := PPerfInstanceDefinition(DWord(PerfObj) + PerfObj.DefinitionLength); end; function TCpuUsage.NextInstance(PerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition): PPerfInstanceDefinition; var PerfCntrBlk: PPerfCounterBlock; begin PerfCntrBlk := PPerfCounterBlock(DWord(PerfInst) + PerfInst.ByteLength); Result := PPerfInstanceDefinition(DWord(PerfCntrBlk) + PerfCntrBlk.ByteLength); end; function TCpuUsage.FirstCounter(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfCounterDefinition; begin Result := PPerfCounterDefinition(DWord(PerfObj) + PerfObj.HeaderLength); end; function TCpuUsage.NextCounter(PerfCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition): PPerfCounterDefinition; begin Result := PPerfCounterDefinition(DWord(PerfCntr) + PerfCntr.ByteLength); end; end. Der Aufruf erfolgt so:
Erstellt mit D7prof und getestet mit WXP
unit fmCpuUsage;
interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Timer1: TTimer; Edit1: TEdit; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses CpuUsage; var CpuUsage1: TCpuUsage; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin CpuUsage1 := TCpuUsage.Create; Timer1.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled := false; Edit1.Text := format('CpuUsage %5.2f%%', [CpuUsage1.CpuUsage['Explorer']]); Timer1.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin timer1.Enabled := false; CpuUsage1.Free; end; end. Viel Spaß Uwe [edit=Matze]Code formatiert. Mfg, Matze[/edit] |
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