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Datenbank Abstraktionsschicht

Ein Thema von Nightfly · begonnen am 16. Jan 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 17. Jan 2006
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Benutzerbild von Flocke

Registriert seit: 9. Jun 2005
Ort: Unna
1.172 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

Re: Datenbank Abstraktionsschicht

  Alt 16. Jan 2006, 13:50
Zitat von Bernhard Geyer:
- ODBC ist eh Auslaufmodell (gibts nicht mehr unter Win64)
Hast du da eine Quelle zu?

Bei MS stehts so (FAQ for Development on 64-bit Windows, ODBC 64-Bit Information):
Zitat von FAQ for Development on 64-bit Windows:
# Are ODBC or OLE DB supported in 64-bit Windows?

Yes, both ODBC and OLE DB are supported in 64-bit editions of Windows.

For more information, please see the ODBC 64-Bit Information in the MSDN Library.

The Microsoft OLE DB Core Services and the Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB Provider has been updated to support 64-bit Windows. These updates involve several API changes. If you are porting 32-bit OLE DB code to 64-bits, you will need to make changes to your code. Several new typedefs have been defined in the OLE DB header file. These new types allow you to maintain one set of source code for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms. The simplest way to ensure that your code will compile in either 32-bit or 64-bit environments is to make sure that the code uses these new typedefs for variable definitions.

For more information, please see the What is a decorated device driver and how do I decorate my device drivers to get them to install?

An INF section is considered to be decorated when its name contains a TargetOSVersion suffix that identifies a particular platform and operating system. Decorated sections contain installation information that is relevant only to the platform and operating system specified by TargetOSVersion. If the device driver uses INF files for installation and the driver is not decorated, the driver will not install. Please check the INF files of third party devices and make sure the INF files have been decorated.

For more information, please see the article INF Requirements for 64-bit Systems.
Besucht meine Garage
Aktuell: RtfLabel 1.3d, PrintToFile 1.4
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