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Also ich habe zum Pingen die ICMP-Komponente von Indy10 benutzt. Aber wie geht das mit dem Rückgabewert bzw. wie muss ich den auswerten um das zu errreichen was ich will?
Aus der Hilfe:
Use TIdIcmpClient to diagnose a communications links by using Ping. Host identifies the
IP address or computer name for the echo request. Use ReplyStatus and OnReply to
access information received as a result of the echo request datagram. Set ReceiveTimeout to control the time to wait for a response to the echo request datagram.
property ReplyStatus: TReplyStatus;
ReplyStatus is a TReplyStatus property used to store a response to an echo request.
ReplyStatus is updated when a receiving a response to an echo request in Ping. When the response to an echo request contains a non-zero length, ReplyStatus is updated with the contents of the echo response datagram.
When the response to an echo request contains 0 bytes, ReplyStatus is updated with values to indicate the error condition, including:
BytesReceived - 0
FromIpAddress - ''
MsgType - 0
SequenceId - Internal sequence number from TIdIcmpClient
TimeToLive - 0
ReplyStatusType - rsTimeOut