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Registriert seit: 10. Okt 2006
Ort: 's-Hertogenbosch, Die Niederlande
222 Beiträge
RAD-Studio 2010 Arc

Re: Password hash in RDP files

  Alt 29. Mär 2007, 10:59
Yes I should have noticed you used CamelCase. I will test with my Delphi version (BDS 2006) and confirm, I'm assuming you're right and the documentation is wrong. As for the SHR thing I copy/pasted this from http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/RTL.asp?Name=Shr.
Personally I do think using shr is clever and probably faster than div.

The basic Delphi operations are shl and shr, apparently on the unsigned bit patterns. One can also use *2 and div 2 which should treat the sign of the value arithmetically.

Be careful about possible unexpected (or needed) behaviour of the leftmost bit on a shift right, or vice versa; it appears ill-defined, and may (or perhaps should) depend on whether the type is signed.

Consider that a variable of a small type, such as a shortint, may be extended before the operation is carried out. Check, in particular, what happens with shr and div on a negative value.
I conclude that shr is allright with positive values, therefore fine in this solution.

Not really sure what you mean by this sentence: First class function result types are all those types which are intended to be used in an expression.

Something in else (in case anyone finds it usefull):
Below a sample to create an rdp file in UniCode and start a session with it. It uses Rijndael encryption to hide the real password.
To make it secure you should hide the secret and delete the rdp file after connecting.

uses uRDPHash, Windows, JwaWinNt, SysUtils, Classes, shFolder, LbCipher, LbClass;
{$R *.res}
   BOM_UTF16 = $FEFF; // BOM = Byte Order Mark
   fs : TFileStream;
   BOM : WideString;
   sFolder: string;
   sRDPFileName: string;
   LocalAppData: PAnsiChar;
   lpRect: TRect;
   Helper: TLbRijndael;
   sServer: string;
   pwCmdLine: PWideChar;
   pwMsg: PWideChar;
  SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0; // current value for user, verify it exists

procedure WriteLnFs(var fs: TFileStream; sLine: String);
var ws: WideString;
  ws := WideString(sLine) + WideChar($0D) + WideChar($0A);;
    fs.WriteBuffer(ws[1], Length(ws) * SizeOf(WideChar));
    // Handle Exception

  // Set folder path
  sFolder := 'C:\Temp\gprmc.rdp';

  // Try to find LocalAppData folder
  GetMem(LocalAppData, MAX_PATH);
  if ShGetFolderPath(THandle(nil),
                     LocalAppData) = S_OK then
    // and create GPRMC subfolder
    sFolder := String(LocalAppData + '\GPRMC');
    if not DirectoryExists(sFolder) then

    sRDPFilename := sFolder + '\GPRMC.rdp';
    // Cleanup
    MessageBox(0, PAnsiChar(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)), 'ShGetFolderPath', MB_OK);

  sServer := 'SERVER';

  // Obfuscate the password key
  Helper := TLbRijndael.Create(nil);
  Helper.CipherMode := cmECB;
  Helper.KeySize := ks128;
  Helper.GenerateKey('The Secret Key Which you should hide somewhere');

  // Get Screen Width and Height
  GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow, lpRect);

  // RDP Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM)
  BOM := Widechar(BOM_UTF16);

  // Create RDP File
  fs := TFileStream.Create(sRDPFileName, fmCreate);

  // Write BOM
  fs.WriteBuffer(BOM[1], Length(BOM)*sizeof(Widechar));

  // Write RDP file
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'screen mode id:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, Format('desktopwidth:i:%d', [lpRect.Right]));
  WriteLnFs(fs, Format('desktopheight:i:%d', [lpRect.Bottom - 50]));
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'session bpp:i:16');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'winposstr:s:2,3,247,0,1055,627');
  WriteLnFs(fs, Format('full address:s:%s', [sServer]));
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'compression:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'keyboardhook:i:2');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'audiomode:i:2');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'redirectdrives:i:0');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'redirectprinters:i:0');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'redirectcomports:i:0');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'redirectsmartcards:i:0');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'displayconnectionbar:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'autoreconnection enabled:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, Format('username:s:%s', ['USERNAME']));
  WriteLnFs(fs, Format('domain:s:%s', ['DOMAIN']));
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'password 51:b:' + CryptRdpPassWord(Helper.DecryptString('GSMZHifunaBaegL6ehnkmw==')));
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'disable wallpaper:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'disable full window drag:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'disable menu anims:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'disable themes:i:1');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'disable cursor setting:i:0');
  WriteLnFs(fs, 'bitmapcachepersistenable:i:1');

  // Cleanup

  ZeroMemory(@si, SizeOf(si));
  si.cb := SizeOf(si);
  si.lpDesktop := nil;
  pwCmdLine := PWideChar(WideString('mstsc.exe ' + '"' + sRDPFileName + '"'));
  if not CreateProcessW(nil,
                        pi) then
    pwMsg := PWideChar(WideString('Failed to start MSTSC.EXE' +#10#13+
                  'Sample Program',
                  MB_ICONERROR or MB_OK,
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