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New TabSheet with TWebbrowser and TToolBar

Ein Thema von alpha1 · begonnen am 5. Jan 2006 · letzter Beitrag vom 5. Jan 2006
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40 Beiträge

New TabSheet with TWebbrowser and TToolBar

  Alt 5. Jan 2006, 15:35
Hello, how can i make, that on the new opened TabSheet would be TWebbrowser and TToolBar(with all Buttons, ...)? Here is my code but with error:

procedure TForm1.NewTab;
var Tab: TTabSheet;
    Browser: TWebBrowser;
 Tab:= TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
 Tab.PageControl := PageControl1;
 Tab.Parent := PageControl1;
 Tab.PageIndex := PageControl1.ActivePageIndex + 1;
 TControl(ToolBar2).Parent := Tab;
 ToolBar2.Align := alTop;
 Browser:= TWebBrowser.Create(Tab);
 TControl(Browser).Parent := Tab;
 Browser.Align := alClient;
 Browser.Silent := True;
 Browser.Visible := True;
 PageControl1.ActivePage := Tab;
 Browser.OnStatusTextChange := WebBrowser1StatusTextChange;
 Browser.OnTitleChange := WebBrowser1TitleChange;
 Browser.OnNewWindow2 := WebBrowser1NewWindow2;
 Browser.OnCommandStateChange := WebBrowser1CommandStateChange;
 ImageButton1.Enabled := False;
 ImageButton2.Enabled := False;
This code opens new TabSheet with TWebbrowser and TToolBar but with error. Also in previous TabSheet this TToolBar lost...
Please help me
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Benutzerbild von jim_raynor

Registriert seit: 17. Okt 2004
Ort: Berlin
1.251 Beiträge
Delphi 5 Standard

Re: New TabSheet with TWebbrowser and TToolBar

  Alt 5. Jan 2006, 15:37
Here is an error:

ToolBar2.Create(Tab); correct it must be:

Christian Reich
Schaut euch mein X-COM Remake X-Force: Fight For Destiny ( ) an.
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Re: New TabSheet with TWebbrowser and TToolBar

  Alt 5. Jan 2006, 16:06
While ToolBar2.Create() effectively reinitializes the ToolBar you already employ on your first tabsheet, ToolBar2 := TToolBar.Create() overwrites the global variable ToolBar2 you might use elsewhere to refer to the prevous instance. Think twice - normally only one toolbar is assigned to a form with a pagecontrol. Position is preferably on top of the form, right below the menu. If the user changes the active tabsheet, you query the state of the command buttons from the then active browser control.

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