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Registriert seit: 16. Jun 2003
Ort: Schönwald
1.299 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

Re: TreeResetNamedSecurityInfoW-Aufrufproblem

  Alt 8. Mär 2007, 11:48
I init the NewSI with 0, because i've to check, witch information the user has changed

It makes no sense, to include PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION if the user has not changed the DACL

In my test i don't use this last parameter (Self). It makes no difference if i pass nil or self to it.

I tried the NIL/ProgressInvokeNever combination, but the error is the same in this case.

i also checked the conversion of the call in the jwaaclapi-unit, and, comparing to MSDN, it seems to be right.
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