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is OP or not

Ein Thema von GilbertCD · begonnen am 27. Dez 2005 · letzter Beitrag vom 28. Dez 2005
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Registriert seit: 27. Dez 2005
3 Beiträge

is OP or not

  Alt 27. Dez 2005, 15:48
How to know if one Nick from IRC is @(OP) or not. This procedure:

{ Return True if the string Nick is a channel operator. }
function TIdIRC.IsOp(ANick: String): Boolean;
  Result := (Length(Nick)>0) and (Nick[1] = '@'); {Do not Localize}
is not work, be cause i`m not obtain this char '@' from AUser.Nick. Sorry for me english.
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Benutzerbild von turboPASCAL

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Re: is OP or not

  Alt 27. Dez 2005, 16:24
[color=green]{ Return True if the string Nick is a channel operator. }[/color]
[b][color=darkblue]function[/color][/b] TIdIRC.IsOp([b]A[/b]Nick: [b][color=darkblue]String[/color][/b]): Boolean;
  Result := (Length([b][color=#ff0000]A[/color][/b]Nick)>0) [b]and[/b] ([b][color=#ff0000]A[/color][/b]Nick[1] = '[color=blue]@[/color]');
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Registriert seit: 27. Dez 2005
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Re: is OP or not

  Alt 27. Dez 2005, 16:30
Yes, thanks.But.. no..This function is work only if input text is: "@xxxxxx" but this '@' ? From where ? AUser.Nick ..return only nick..

(Indy9 ..Delphi7 Eneterprise.)
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Benutzerbild von DGL-luke

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Re: is OP or not

  Alt 27. Dez 2005, 16:59
I don't think this '@' will ever be present. It is only prepended to the nick by IRC clients to show the user the OP status of someone. I haven't got Indies installed right now, but there should be something explicit somewhere. ( Something like User.Status )

But I wonder why the method you showed is a member of TIdIRC... Was it there before or did you add it? Is it a callback function? I can't figure this out from here....
Lukas Erlacher
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Registriert seit: 27. Dez 2005
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Re: is OP or not

  Alt 28. Dez 2005, 15:22
I`m still waitting.
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Daniel G

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Re: is OP or not

  Alt 28. Dez 2005, 22:57
Zitat von GilbertCD:
I`m still waitting.
For what? For christmas? Sorry, it's already over.

DGL-Luke already told you (or better wrote) that he needs more info...
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