Registriert seit: 7. Jul 2003 Ort: Schwabenländle 14.929 Beiträge Turbo Delphi für Win32 |
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Ein Kommentar von kalmi01 hierzu:
function AddAccessRights(lpszFileName: PChar; lpszAccountName: PChar;
dwAccessMask: DWORD): boolean; const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY = $00000008; ACL_REVISION = 2; ACL_REVISION2 = 2; INHERITED_ACE = $10; type ACE_HEADER = record AceType, AceFlags: BYTE; AceSize: WORD; end; PACE_HEADER = ^ACE_HEADER; ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE = record Header: ACE_HEADER; Mask: ACCESS_MASK; SidStart: DWORD; end; PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE = ^ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE; ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION = record AceCount, AclBytesInUse, AclBytesFree: DWORD; end; SetSecurityDescriptorControlFnPtr = function (pSecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor; ControlBitsOfInterest: SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL; ControlBitsToSet: SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL): boolean; stdcall; var // SID variables. snuType: SID_NAME_USE; szDomain: PChar; cbDomain: DWORD; pUserSID: Pointer; cbUserSID: DWORD; // File SD variables. pFileSD: PSecurityDescriptor; cbFileSD: DWORD; // New SD variables. newSD: TSecurityDescriptor; // ACL variables. ptrACL: PACL; fDaclPresent, fDaclDefaulted: BOOL; AclInfo: ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION; // New ACL variables. pNewACL: PACL; cbNewACL: DWORD; // Temporary ACE. pTempAce: Pointer; CurrentAceIndex, newAceIndex: UINT; // Assume function will fail. fResult, fAPISuccess: boolean; secInfo: SECURITY_INFORMATION; // New APIs available only in Windows 2000 and above for setting // SD control _SetSecurityDescriptorControl: SetSecurityDescriptorControlFnPtr; controlBitsOfInterest, controlBitsToSet, oldControlBits: SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL; dwRevision: DWORD; AceFlags : BYTE; function myheapalloc(x: integer): Pointer; begin Result := HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, x); end; function myheapfree(x: Pointer): boolean; begin Result := HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, x); end; function SetFileSecurityRecursive(lpFileName: PChar; SecurityInformation: SECURITY_INFORMATION; pSecurityDescriptor: PSecurityDescriptor): BOOL; var sr : TSearchRec; begin Result := SetFileSecurity(lpFileName, SecurityInformation, pSecurityDescriptor); if not Result then Exit; if (FileGetAttr(lpFileName) and faDirectory) = faDirectory then begin // Rekursion beginnt if FindFirst(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(lpFileName) + '*', $EFFF, sr) = 0 then begin repeat // msp 07.10.2004 // if ((sr.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) AND (sr.Name <> '.') AND (sr.Name <> '..') then if (sr.Name <> '.') and (sr.Name <> '..') then SetFileSecurityRecursive(PChar(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( lpFileName) + sr.Name), SecurityInformation, pSecurityDescriptor); until FindNext(sr) <> 0; FindClose(sr); end; end; end; begin // Init szDomain := nil; cbDomain := 0; pUserSID := nil; cbUserSID := 0; // File SD variables. pFileSD := nil; cbFileSD := 0; // ACL variables. ptrACL := nil; // New ACL variables. pNewACL := nil; cbNewACL := 0; // Temporary ACE. pTempAce := nil; CurrentAceIndex := 0; newAceIndex := 0; // Assume function will fail. fResult := false; secInfo := DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION; // New APIs available only in Windows 2000 and above for setting // SD control _SetSecurityDescriptorControl := nil; // Delphi-Result Result := false; try // // STEP 1: Get SID of the account name specified. // fAPISuccess := LookupAccountName(nil, lpszAccountName, pUserSID, cbUserSID, szDomain, cbDomain, snuType); // API should have failed with insufficient buffer. if (not fAPISuccess) and (GetLastError() <> ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then raise Exception.Create('LookupAccountName Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); pUserSID := myheapalloc(cbUserSID); if pUserSID = nil then raise Exception.Create('myheapalloc Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); szDomain := PChar(myheapalloc(cbDomain * sizeof(PChar))); if szDomain = nil then raise Exception.Create('myheapalloc Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); fAPISuccess := LookupAccountName(nil, lpszAccountName, pUserSID, cbUserSID, szDomain, cbDomain, snuType); if not fAPISuccess then raise Exception.Create('LookupAccountName Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 2: Get security descriptor (SD) of the file specified. // fAPISuccess := GetFileSecurity(lpszFileName, secInfo, pFileSD, 0, cbFileSD); // API should have failed with insufficient buffer. if (not fAPISuccess) and (GetLastError() <> ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then raise Exception.Create('GetFileSecurity Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); pFileSD := myheapalloc(cbFileSD); if pFileSD = nil then raise Exception.Create('myheapalloc Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); fAPISuccess := GetFileSecurity(lpszFileName, secInfo, pFileSD, cbFileSD, cbFileSD); if not fAPISuccess then raise Exception.Create('GetFileSecurity Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 3: Initialize new SD. // if not InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@newSD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION) then raise Exception.Create('InitializeSecurityDescriptor Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 4: Get DACL from the old SD. // if not GetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pFileSD, fDaclPresent, ptrACL, fDaclDefaulted) then raise Exception.Create('GetSecurityDescriptorDacl Error=' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 5: Get size information for DACL. // AclInfo.AceCount := 0; // Assume NULL DACL. AclInfo.AclBytesFree := 0; AclInfo.AclBytesInUse := sizeof(ACL); if ptrACL = nil then fDaclPresent := false; // If not NULL DACL, gather size information from DACL. if fDaclPresent then if not GetAclInformation(ptrACL^, @AclInfo, sizeof(ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION), AclSizeInformation) then raise Exception.Create('GetAclInformation ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 6: Compute size needed for the new ACL. // cbNewACL := AclInfo.AclBytesInUse + sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) + GetLengthSid(pUserSID) - sizeof(DWORD); // // STEP 7: Allocate memory for new ACL. // pNewACL := PACL(myheapalloc(cbNewACL)); if pNewACL = nil then raise Exception.Create('myheapalloc ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 8: Initialize the new ACL. // if not InitializeAcl(pNewACL^, cbNewACL, ACL_REVISION2) then raise Exception.Create('InitializeAcl ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 9 If DACL is present, copy all the ACEs from the old DACL // to the new DACL. // // The following code assumes that the old DACL is // already in Windows 2000 preferred order. To conform // to the new Windows 2000 preferred order, first we will // copy all non-inherited ACEs from the old DACL to the // new DACL, irrespective of the ACE type. // newAceIndex := 0; if (fDaclPresent) and (AclInfo.AceCount > 0) then begin for CurrentAceIndex := 0 to AclInfo.AceCount - 1 do begin // // STEP 10: Get an ACE. // if not GetAce(ptrACL^, CurrentAceIndex, pTempAce) then raise Exception.Create('GetAce ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 11: Check if it is a non-inherited ACE. // If it is an inherited ACE, break from the loop so // that the new access allowed non-inherited ACE can // be added in the correct position, immediately after // all non-inherited ACEs. // if PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE(pTempAce)^.Header.AceFlags and INHERITED_ACE > 0 then break; // // STEP 12: Skip adding the ACE, if the SID matches // with the account specified, as we are going to // add an access allowed ACE with a different access // mask. // if EqualSid(pUserSID, @(PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE(pTempAce)^.SidStart)) then continue; // // STEP 13: Add the ACE to the new ACL. // if not AddAce(pNewACL^, ACL_REVISION, MAXDWORD, pTempAce, PACE_HEADER(pTempAce)^.AceSize) then raise Exception.Create('AddAce ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); Inc(newAceIndex); end; end; // // STEP 14: Add the access-allowed ACE to the new DACL. // The new ACE added here will be in the correct position, // immediately after all existing non-inherited ACEs. // AceFlags := $1 (* OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE *) or $2 (* CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE *) or $10 (* INHERITED_ACE*); if not AddAccessAllowedAceEx(pNewACL^, ACL_REVISION2, AceFlags, dwAccessMask, pUserSID) then raise Exception.Create('AddAccessAllowedAce ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 15: To conform to the new Windows 2000 preferred order, // we will now copy the rest of inherited ACEs from the // old DACL to the new DACL. // if (fDaclPresent) and (AclInfo.AceCount > 0) then begin while CurrentAceIndex < AclInfo.AceCount do begin // // STEP 16: Get an ACE. // if not GetAce(ptrACL^, CurrentAceIndex, pTempAce) then raise Exception.Create('GetAce ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 17: Add the ACE to the new ACL. // if not AddAce(pNewACL^, ACL_REVISION, MAXDWORD, pTempAce, PACE_HEADER(pTempAce)^.AceSize) then raise Exception.Create('AddAce ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); Inc(CurrentAceIndex); end; end; // // STEP 18: Set the new DACL to the new SD. // if not SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@newSD, TRUE, pNewACL, FALSE) then raise Exception.Create('SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); // // STEP 19: Copy the old security descriptor control flags // regarding DACL automatic inheritance for Windows 2000 or // later where SetSecurityDescriptorControl() API is available // in advapi32.dll. // _SetSecurityDescriptorControl := SetSecurityDescriptorControlFnPtr( GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle( 'advapi32.dll'), 'SetSecurityDescriptorControl')); if @_SetSecurityDescriptorControl <> nil then begin controlBitsOfInterest := 0; controlBitsToSet := 0; oldControlBits := 0; dwRevision := 0; if not GetSecurityDescriptorControl(pFileSD, oldControlBits, dwRevision) then raise Exception.Create('GetSecurityDescriptorControl ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); if (oldControlBits and SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED) <> 0 then begin controlBitsOfInterest := SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERIT_REQ or SE_DACL_AUTO_INHERITED; controlBitsToSet := controlBitsOfInterest; end else if (oldControlBits and SE_DACL_PROTECTED) <> 0 then begin controlBitsOfInterest := SE_DACL_PROTECTED; controlBitsToSet := controlBitsOfInterest; end; if controlBitsOfInterest <> 0 then if not _SetSecurityDescriptorControl(@newSD, controlBitsOfInterest, controlBitsToSet) then raise Exception.Create('SetSecurityDescriptorControl ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); end; // // STEP 20: Set the new SD to the File. // // msp 07.09.2004: Set to all objects including subdirectories // if Not SetFileSecurity(lpszFileName, secInfo, @newSD) then if not SetFileSecurityRecursive(lpszFileName, secInfo, @newSD) then raise Exception.Create('SetFileSecurity ' + IntToStr(GetLastError())); except on E: Exception do begin MessageDlg(E.Message, mtError, [mbAbort], -1); // WriteLog(ltError, Format('AddAccessRights: Beim Ändern der Rechte auf //dem Verzeichnis ''%s'' für ''%s'' ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. %s', //[lpszFileName, lpszAccountName, E.Message]), []); Exit; end; end; // // STEP 21: Free allocated memory // if pUserSID <> nil then myheapfree(pUserSID); if szDomain <> nil then myheapfree(szDomain); if pFileSD <> nil then myheapfree(pFileSD); if pNewACL <> nil then myheapfree(pNewACL); fResult := true; end; Bei der Gelegenheit sind mir ein paar misteriöse Dinge aufgefallen: 1.) Rechte mit einem Domänen-Admin auf 'Jeder' setzen geht schief, wenn nur Berechtigungen für lokale Benutzer vergeben sind, auch wenn's nur auf '\\dieserPC\Gast' gestzt ist. 2.) Rechte mit einem Domänen-Admin auf 'Jeder' setzen geht sporadisch schief, wenn bereits ein Domänenuser Vollzugriff hat, insbesondere dann, wenn dieser eigentlich nur stark eingeschränkte Benutzerrechte hat. MS empfiehlt dies als "Allheilmittel" um "Vollzugriff Jeder" zu bekommen: SetNamedSecurityInfo(PAnsiChar(FileName), SE_FILE_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NIL, NIL, NIL, NIL); Leider werden dabei gelegentlich ALLE Berechtigungen und Besitzer ge-killt. GimbaR meldete folgendes Problem: ![]() So habe ich versucht einem User (z.B. "Max.Mustermann") mit diesem Code Vollzugriff auf einen Ordner zu geben (z.B. "H:\home\Max.Mustermann"). Leider wurden die Zugriffsrechte von dem User so gespeichert, als wenn sie von H:\home vererbt worden wären, dies sind sie aber defintiv nicht, da auf H:\home überhaupt kein Zugriffsrecht für Max.Mustermann existiert
![]() ![]() [edit=Chakotay1308]Zwei Fehler korrigiert. Mfg, Chakotay1308[/edit] [edit=JasonDX]DelphiTags korrigiert. Mfg, JasonDX[/edit] [edit=Matze]Hinweis von GimbaR hinzugefügt. MfG, Matze[/edit] |
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