Thema: Delphi Create an ODBC Driver

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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007
97 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: Create an ODBC Driver

  Alt 19. Feb 2007, 20:11
Hi marabu
Zitat von marabu:
At this moment he seems to mix up the two concepts (data-aware component vs. ODBC driver) badly. Even when local data access is implemented directly by his components, he will never succeed with his ODBC driver by trying to repackage his components. The first task should be to sort out the functionality that comprises a solid call level interface to his RDBMS. The CLI can then serve as the basis for the ODBC driver - and for the components as well.
first i'm not trying to repackage my components , cause every thing goes well with the components and even the output File(s) all what i'm trying to do is to implement my Main RDMS unit to the ODBC Driver and i think that's what should i do otherwise how this ODBC Driver will recognise is it working with my RDBMS and not an other RDBMS and because the ODBC Driver is based only on the SQL functions .

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