Thema: Delphi Create an ODBC Driver

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Re: Create an ODBC Driver

  Alt 19. Feb 2007, 15:26
Hi Reinhard,

it wasn't me who started to write about TDataSet in the first place, but I think it is necessary anyway. I most certainly never did suggest to write a TDataSet-Successor in order to implement an ODBC-Driver.

The original poster has informed us about his own implementation of an SQL-92 based (local) RDBMS by means of TTable, TQuery, TDatabase. Just to recap: He is looking for a way to present an ODBC driver to his client, so that other tools cann access the data, too.

My suggestion to Mohfa is to start reading all the readily available documentation to learn about the architecture, so his components fit in nicely. At this moment he seems to mix up the two concepts (data-aware component vs. ODBC driver) badly. Even when local data access is implemented directly by his components, he will never succeed with his ODBC driver by trying to repackage his components. The first task should be to sort out the functionality that comprises a solid call level interface to his RDBMS. The CLI can then serve as the basis for the ODBC driver - and for the components as well.

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