Thema: Delphi Create an ODBC Driver

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Registriert seit: 11. Feb 2007
97 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

Re: Create an ODBC Driver

  Alt 16. Feb 2007, 14:04
OK thank you Reinhard Kern , let's suppose it's - a Little bit-impossible to build my DBMS ODBC Driver using Delphi so what shoud i do :
Should i convert all My DBMS Pas Files into C++ or what ?
is it so hard to build ( i mean my DBMS ODBC Driver )it with C++ ?
-- i have succedded in Translating ( Conversion ) of SQL.H , and the ODBC wraper into Pas file as you can see in my SImple Unite .
could you please expliane me more especially about the 1st question ,

many thanks

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