Thema: Delphi Create an ODBC Driver

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Reinhard Kern

Registriert seit: 22. Okt 2006
772 Beiträge

Re: Create an ODBC Driver

  Alt 16. Feb 2007, 13:54
Zitat von mohfa:
I hope if someone can provide me with a Simple DLL ( ODBC Driver ) with it's source code , and especially the declarations of exported Functions .


if you expect to get a sample source with a ODBC driver written in Delphi - i believe that such a driver does not exist. Most programmers (including myself) will study MS documentation and header files and so on and come to the conclusion, that it is senseless to convert all this stuff to Pascal, while the job could be done directly in C/C++. Maybe you do not believe this, but this does not change the reality.

To be exact: i am sure, that it is possible to write ODBC drivers in Delphi, and i am equally sure, that it is absolutely senseless. And i am sure that i am not alone with this opinion.

SY Reinhard
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