Thema: Delphi Create an ODBC Driver

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Re: Create an ODBC Driver

  Alt 15. Feb 2007, 22:11
Hi Michy, welcome to Delphi-PRAXiS.

You already have studied the Microsoft Documentation for ODBC, I understand. You also have implemented the required functions, but your first test failed. How do you test? Do you make good use of the Microsoft ODBC Test Program?

A fully implemented v3 ODBC Driver is by no means a small project. Perhaps you should try to isolate small problem areas to attract more helpers. As soon as you focus on some detail, even members without explicit knowledge about ODBC drivers might be able to proof read your code.

If you don't trust your own translation of the C header files you could give Dr. Bob's HEADCONV utility a try.

Kind Regards

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