Zitat von
yes sir , that's what i did the problem is with the
DLL Exported Functions especiqlly with ConfigDriver and ConfigDSN functions.
so what i did :
i imlemented a
unit named ODBCConst : where i declared all the Functions and this is a simple of the Unite :
function SQLAllocConnect(henv :Longint;var phdbc :Longint): Integer;
function SQLAllocEnv(var phenv :Longint): Integer;
function SQLAllocStmt(hdbc :Longint;var phstmt :Longint): Integer;
function SQLBindCol(hstmt :Longint;icol :Word; fCType :Smallint;
var rgbValue ;cbValueMax :Longint;var pcbValue): Integer;
function SQLBindParameter(StatementHandle :Longint; ParameterNumber :Word;
InputOutputType :Smallint; ValueType :Smallint;
ParameterType :Smallint;
ColumnSize :Longint; DecimalDigits :Smallint;
ParameterValuePtr : Pointer;
BufferLength :Longint;
StrLen_or_IndPtr : Pointer
): Integer;
function SQLConfigDriver(
hwndParent: HWND;
fRequest: WORD;
lpszDriver: LPCSTR;
lpszArgs: LPCSTR;
lpszMsg: LPSTR;
cbMsgMax: WORD;
var pcbMsgOut: WORD): BOOL; stdcall;
function ConfigDSN(
hwndParent: HWND;
fRequest: WORD;
lpszDriver: LPCSTR;
lpszAttributes: LPCSTR): BOOL; stdcall;
ok as you see i have declared the functions SQLConfigDriver , and ConfigDSN
i export these 2 functions from the
DLL File ( the
ODBC Driver ), and i use a form to config the DSN the Driver is installed in the
ODBC manager but the Result is

so is there any thing wrong here
if you want i can send you my
ODBC Driver and you can see or help . ,any thanks
if possible could you please send me an exe,ple of an
ODBC Driver .
Regards MICHY