Deine TLB heisst: SMTPEventSink
Deine CoClass heisst: SMTPOnArrival
Also ist die
ProgID: SMTPEventSink.SMTPOnArrival
Register the event sink
To register the event sink, use the Smtpreg.vbs file that is installed with the Exchange software development kit (
SDK). 1. At a command prompt, locate the \Exchange
SDK\Support\CDO\Scripts folder, and then type the following: cscript smtpreg.vbs /add 1 OnArrival SMTPDisclaimer
ProgId "mail from=*"
If this command succeeds, you receive a success message that is generated by the script.
2. To unregister this event, type the following: cscript smtpreg.vbs /remove 1 OnArrival SMTPDisclaimer
Ich schätze mal, der Name "SMTPDisclaimer" ist frei wählbar, um damit später die Registrierung wieder aufheben zu können.