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Bild weichzeichnen

Ein Thema von BlueStarHH · begonnen am 5. Dez 2005 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Okt 2014
Benutzerbild von Khabarakh

Registriert seit: 18. Aug 2004
Ort: Brackenheim VS08 Pro
2.876 Beiträge

Re: Bild weichzeichnen

  Alt 5. Dez 2005, 16:40
Hier noch eine Routine, die sehr schnell sein sollte.
* Fastblur routine (c)2005 Roy Magne Klever
* If you improve it send me a copy at [email][/email]
procedure rkFastBlur(src, dest: TBitmap; radius, rep: integer);
  PRGB24 = ^TRGB24;
  TRGB24 = packed record
    B: Byte;
    G: Byte;
    R: Byte;
  TLine24 = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGB24) - 1] of TRGB24;
  PLine24 = ^TLine24;
  j, divF, i, w, h, x, y, ny, tx, ty, prg: integer;
  p: pRGB24;
  ptrS, ptrD, pv: integer;
  s0, s1: PLine24;
  saR, saG, saB: array of Integer;
  if radius = 0 then

  divF := (radius * 2) + 1;
  w := dest.Width - 1;
  h := dest.Height - 1;
  SetLength(saR, w + 1 + (radius * 2));
  SetLength(saG, w + 1 + (radius * 2));
  SetLength(saB, w + 1 + (radius * 2));

  s1 := dest.ScanLine[0];
  ptrD := integer(dest.ScanLine[1]) - integer(s1);

  ny := Integer(s1);
  for y := 0 to h do
    for j := 1 to rep do
      i := -radius;
      while i <= w + radius do
        tx := i;
        if tx < 0 then
          tx := 0
        else if tx >= w then
          tx := w;
        with pRGB24(ny + tx * 3)^ do
          saR[i + radius] := r + saR[i + radius - 1];
          saG[i + radius] := g + saG[i + radius - 1];
          saB[i + radius] := b + saB[i + radius - 1];
      for x := 0 to w do
        tx := x + radius;
        with pRGB24(ny + x * 3)^ do
          r := ((saR[tx + radius] - saR[tx - 1 - radius]) div divF);
          g := ((saG[tx + radius] - saG[tx - 1 - radius]) div divF);
          b := ((saB[tx + radius] - saB[tx - 1 - radius]) div divF);
    inc(ny, PtrD);

  SetLength(saR, h + 1 + (radius * 2));
  SetLength(saG, h + 1 + (radius * 2));
  SetLength(saB, h + 1 + (radius * 2));
  for x := 0 to w do
    for j := 1 to rep do
      ny := Integer(s1);
      i := -radius;
      while i <= h + radius do
        if (i > 0) and (i < h) then
          inc(ny, PtrD);
        with pRGB24(ny + x * 3)^ do
          saR[i + radius] := r + saR[i + radius - 1];
          saG[i + radius] := g + saG[i + radius - 1];
          saB[i + radius] := b + saB[i + radius - 1];
      ny := Integer(s1);
      for y := 0 to h do
        ty := y + radius;
        with pRGB24(ny + x * 3)^ do
          r := ((saR[ty + radius] - saR[ty - 1 - radius]) div divF);
          g := ((saG[ty + radius] - saG[ty - 1 - radius]) div divF);
          b := ((saB[ty + radius] - saB[ty - 1 - radius]) div divF);
        inc(ny, PtrD);
  SetLength(saR, 0);
  SetLength(saG, 0);
  SetLength(saB, 0);
Etwas optimiert, allerdings für die GR32-Lib:
procedure FastBlur(Dst: TBitmap32; Radius: Integer; Passes: Integer = 3);
//* Fastblur routine (c)2005 Roy Magne Klever
//* GR32 Conversion and further optimizations by Michael Hansen
//* If you improve it please send a copies to:
//* [email][/email]
//* [email][/email]
   PARGB32 = ^TARGB32;
   TARGB32 = packed record
     B: Byte;
     G: Byte;
     R: Byte;
     A: Byte;
   TLine32 = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TARGB32) - 1] of TARGB32;
   PLine32 = ^TLine32;

   PSumRecord = ^TSumRecord;
   TSumRecord = packed record
     saB, saG, saR, saA: Cardinal;

   J, X, Y, w, h, ny, tx, ty: integer;
   ptrD: integer;
   s1: PLine32;
   C: TColor32;
   sa: array of TSumRecord;
   sr1, sr2: TSumRecord;
   n : Cardinal;
   if Radius = 0 then Exit;

   n := Fixed(1 / ((radius * 2) + 1));
   w := Dst.Width - 1;
   h := Dst.Height - 1;

   SetLength(sa, w + 1 + (radius * 2));

   s1 := PLine32(Dst.PixelPtr[0,0]);
   ptrD := Integer(Dst.PixelPtr[0,1]) - Integer(s1);

   ny := Integer(s1);
   for Y := 0 to h do
     for J := 1 to Passes do
       X := - Radius;
       while X <= w + Radius do
         tx := X;
         if tx < 0 then tx := 0 else if tx >= w then tx := w;
         sr1 := sa[X + Radius - 1];
         C := PColor32(ny + tx shl 2)^;
         with sa[X + Radius] do
           saA := sr1.saA + C shr 24;
           saR := sr1.saR + C shr 16 and $FF;
           saG := sr1.saG + C shr 8 and $FF;
           saB := sr1.saB + C and $FF;
       for X := 0 to w do
         tx := X + Radius;
         sr1 := sa[tx + Radius];
         sr2 := sa[tx - 1 - Radius];
         PColor32(ny + X shl 2)^ := (sr1.saA - sr2.saA) * n shl 8 and
$FF000000 or
                                    (sr1.saR - sr2.saR) * n and $FF0000 or
                                    (sr1.saG - sr2.saG) * n shr 8 and $FF00
                                    (sr1.saB - sr2.saB) * n shr 16;
     inc(ny, PtrD);

   SetLength(sa, h + 1 + (Radius * 2));
   for X := 0 to w do
     for J := 1 to Passes do
       ny := Integer(s1);
       Y := - Radius;
       while Y <= h + Radius do
         if (Y > 0) and (Y < h) then inc(ny, PtrD);
         sr1 := sa[Y + Radius - 1];
         C := PColor32(ny + X shl 2)^;
         with sa[Y + Radius] do
           saA := sr1.saA + C shr 24;
           saR := sr1.saR + C shr 16 and $FF;
           saG := sr1.saG + C shr 8 and $FF;
           saB := sr1.saB + C and $FF;
       ny := Integer(s1);
       for Y := 0 to h do
         ty := Y + Radius;
         sr1 := sa[ty + Radius];
         sr2 := sa[ty - 1 - Radius];
         PColor32(ny + X shl 2)^ := (sr1.saA - sr2.saA) * n shl 8 and
$FF000000 or
                                    (sr1.saR - sr2.saR) * n and $FF0000 or
                                    (sr1.saG - sr2.saG) * n shr 8 and $FF00
                                    (sr1.saB - sr2.saB) * n shr 16;
         inc(ny, PtrD);
   SetLength(sa, 0);
Ein weiterer Algorithmus von dizzy lässt sich in der CodeLib finden.
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