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DragAndDrop zwischen 2 TreeView

Ein Thema von EccoBravo · begonnen am 30. Nov 2005 · letzter Beitrag vom 14. Feb 2006
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Benutzerbild von EccoBravo

Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Neuruppin
524 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Architect

DragAndDrop zwischen 2 TreeView

  Alt 30. Nov 2005, 17:18

als ob es nicht genug Fragen über TreeView geben würde, hier noch eine:

Stellt Euch vor, ein ganz normales WINDOWS-Programm, ich habe zwei TreeViews, den ersten mit m Einträgen (m Items) den 2. daneben mit n Einträgen (n Items).
Und ich will mit DragAndDrop ein bestimmtes Item aus den 2. TreeView unter ein bestimmtes Item des 1. TreeViews kopieren.
Ich sitze davor und habe nach x Programmierjahren keine Ahnung, besonders nicht von TreeViews?!?!?

Kann mir jemand erklären, wie das geht??

Vielen Dank

E. B.
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Registriert seit: 8. Aug 2003
Ort: Oberreute
74 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: DragAndDrop zwischen 2 TreeView

  Alt 30. Nov 2005, 17:59

Vllt kann dir das Weiterhelfen

Drag and Drop

First a clarification, Drag and Drop here refers to drag and drop within the TreeView, or from the TreeView to another control within the same application. This tutorial does not cover drag and drop between applications, eg to/from Explorer. That has more to do with OLE than it does TreeViews.

This example is based on example 10 and there are thus file and folder nodes as well as a root node. Take a look at the "rules" for this TreeView (example 10). These rules must be kept when nodes are dragged.

The OnDragOver event is called when something (on this case a TreeNode) is dragged over a control (a TTreeView). You must indicate if the dragged item may be dropped at the current position.

   procedure TForm1.tv_eg5DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
   // Decide if drag-drop is to be allowed

      Accept := false;

         {Only accept drag and drop from a TTreeView}
      if( Sender is TTreeView ) then
            {Only accept from self}
         if( TTreeView(Sender) = tv_eg5 ) then
            Accept := true;

   1. Assume fail
   2. If the source is a TreeView
   3. If dragging internally ie tv_eg5 to ev_eg5
   4. Allow drag-drop

The OnDragDrop event is called once an item is dropped on the TTreeView. This is a rather long function so a outline of the procedure will help clarify what exactly it does.

   1. Get the target node (the node that the item was dropped on)
   2. Get an alias for the source node. This makes the source easier to read
   3. Make sure the Target is a valid node
   4. Can the target node accept the source node
         1. Cant drop onto self, or drop onto immediate parent
         2. May not drag the root
         3. Cant drop a parent onto a child
         4. May not drop if an item with the same names as the source already exists
   5. Check the rules - IsNodeAllowed
   6. Copy the node
   7. Delete old node (Copy + Delete = move)
   8. Display node in its new position

   procedure TForm1.tv_eg5DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
      TargetNode : TTreeNode;
      SourceNode : TTreeNode;
   // Somthing has just been droped

      with tv_eg5 do
            {Get the node the item was dropped on}
         TargetNode := GetNodeAt( X, Y );
            {Just to make things a bit easier}
         SourceNode := Selected;

            {Make sure somthing was droped onto}
         if( TargetNode = nil ) then
            EndDrag( false );

            {Dropping onto self or onto parent?}
         if( (TargetNode = Selected) or
              (TargetNode = Selected.Parent)
           ) then
            MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
            ShowMessage( 'Destination node is the same as the source node'  );
            EndDrag( false );

            {No drag-drop of the root allowed}
         if( SourceNode.Level = 0 ) then
            MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
            ShowMessage( 'Cant drag/drop the root'  );
            EndDrag( false );

            {Can't drop a parent onto a child}
         if( IsAParentNode( Selected, TargetNode ) ) then
            MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
            ShowMessage( 'Cant drop parent onto child'  );
            EndDrag( false );

            {Does a node with this name exists as a child of TargetNde}
         if( IsDuplicateName( TargetNode.GetFirstChild, SourceNode.Text, true ) ) then
            MessageBeep( MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
            ShowMessage( 'A node with this name already exists'  );
            EndDrag( false );

         // Nothing differant up to here. Just the normal drag and
         // drop checking. Now the code to make sure that enforce
         // "the rules". Eg books may contain no sub-nodes
            {Use the IsNodeAllowed function to test if the node
              may be dropped here}

         if( not IsNodeAllowed( TargetNode,
                                   GetNodeType( SourceNode )
            ) then
            MessageBeep( -1 );
            ShowMessage( 'You cant drop this type of node here!'  );
            EndDrag( false );

            {Drag drop was valid so move the nodes}
         MoveTreeNode( tv_eg5, SourceNode, TargetNode );

            {Delete the old node}

            {Show the nodes that were just moved}
         TargetNode.Expand( true );

Drag and Drop between a TreeView and its linked ListView (eg 12) is a bit more difficult. Although not that much more...
Use a function that works similarly to the OnDragDrop function above, but TargetNode and SourceNode are passed as parameters

TreeView to ListView    Get the ListItem the TreeNode was dropped onto. Get the TreeNode that this ListItem is linked to and use it as the TargetNode.
ListView.TreeView    Get dragged TreeItem, get linked TreeNode use this as SourceNode
ListView to ListView    Get source and target ListItems, get linked Source and Target TreeNodes. Call function

I've not actually implemented this, but with the examples in this tutorial you should be able to get this working without too much trouble.
Hab ich Hier gefunden

[Edit] Jeder wunsch ist mir recht[/edit]
Sven Grimm
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Benutzerbild von EccoBravo

Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Neuruppin
524 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Architect

Danke das war eine sehr gute Antwort.

  Alt 30. Nov 2005, 18:42
Danke das war eine sehr gute Antwort.

Herzliche Winter- und Adventsgrüße

E. B.
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Dust Signs

Registriert seit: 28. Dez 2004
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Re: DragAndDrop zwischen 2 TreeView

  Alt 30. Nov 2005, 18:46
Wie wär's eventuell noch mit Delphi-Tags zwecks Lesbarkeit

Dust Signs
(aka AXMD in der EE)
Die Nummer, die Sie gewählt haben, ist imaginär. Bitte drehen Sie Ihr Telefon um 90° und versuchen Sie es erneut.
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Registriert seit: 8. Aug 2003
Ort: Oberreute
74 Beiträge
Delphi 2007 Enterprise

Re: DragAndDrop zwischen 2 TreeView

  Alt 30. Nov 2005, 18:46

Mir ist noch eigefallen es gibt auch noch die Kompo Virtual Treeview

habs sie bei mir kurz reingemacht und die demos angeguckt und da kann man auch drag and drop machen ohne Quelltext.

Und hat auch viel mehr möglichkeiten als das normale Treeview

Virtual Treeview


[edit=Matze]Link aktualisiert. MfG, Matze[/edit]
Sven Grimm
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Registriert seit: 1. Nov 2005
153 Beiträge

Re: DragAndDrop zwischen 2 TreeView

  Alt 14. Feb 2006, 11:08

wie konnte man vom Appl1.TreeView zu Appl2.TreeView Knoten verschieben, wenn (Appl1=Appl2) ist aber 2 mal aufgerufen wurde ??

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